Page:VCH Herefordshire 1.djvu/385

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS Osbern son of Richard holds Wapletone [ ], of the gift of the king as it is said. He himself held (it) T.R.E. (There are) 2 hides paying geld there. There is there I radknight ; also i villein and 22 bordars. Among them all they have 6 ploughs. It is worth 20s. Urso dc Abctot holds Buterlei [Butterley].^^ Chetel held (it). (There is) there I hide. On the demesne are two ploughs and 4 bordars with I plough and 4 oxmen. It is worth 40J. The Abbess holds Fencote [Fencote]. She herself held (it) T.R.E. (There are) there 1 hide free (from geld) and 4 villeins with 2 ploughs. Roger de Laci holds Hantone [Hampton].^* On the demesne is i plough. T.R.E. it was worth 405., now 30J. The same Roger holds Hantone [Hampton], and Gilbert (holds it) of him. Edwi held (it). (There are) there 2 hides. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there is) a reeve and 2 radknights and 2 bordars with 4 ploughs. It was worth 20s., now 40;. The same Roger holds Sarnesfelde [Sarnes- field], and Godmund (holds it) of him. Seric held (it). (There are) there i^ hides. On the demesne is i plough ; and (there are) 10 bordars with 3 ploughs. (There are) there i serf and I bondwoman. This land was waste ; now it is worth 20s. The same Roger holds Gadredehope [Gater Top in Hope-sub-Dinmore], and Walter (holds it) of him. ^Iwin held it. (There is) there I hide, and on the demesne (is) i plough. (There are) there i villein and 7 bordars with 2 ploughs. (There are) there 2 serfs and 2 bondwomen, and also i plough can be there. It is worth 30J. Ralph de Mortemer holds Wighemore [Wig- more]. El ward held (it). (There is) there half a hide. Wigemore Castle lies there {sedet in ea). The same Ralph holds Bromefelde [Brim- field]. Ernesi held it. (There are) there 3 vir- gates of land. On the demesne (are) i plough and 2 serfs. It is worth "js. and 6d. Ralph de Todeni holds Forne [Ford] ^^ for I hide and I virgate, and Bradefelde [Broad- field in Bodenham] for i hide, and Sarnesfelde [Sarnesfield] for half a hide. Drew holds (them) of Ralph. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and •^ In Edvin Ralph. '* In Docklow, or in Hope-under-Dinmore. '^ Ford and Sarnesfield were held together of Ralf 's successor, Walter de Clifford in 1243 (J. H. R.). (there are) 2 villeins, and 5 bordars and 3 serfs and 2 bondwomen and 3 oxmen and a fishery which renders 600 eels. It was worth 55^., now 75^. Elward held (it). The same Ralph holds Etone [Eaton], and Herbert (holds it) of him. Leuenot held (it). (There are) there i^ hides. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and (there arc) 3 villeins and 4 bor- dars with 4J ploughs. It was worth 40J., now (it is worth) bos. William de Scohies holds Riseberie [Risbury], and Robert (holds it) of him. Edwin held ;t. (There are) there 2 hides, and on the demesne 2 ploughs, and (there are) I villein and 3 bor- dars and 4 serfs and a mill worth 4;. The villein gives lod. It was worth 20s. Now (it is worth) bos. The same William holds Wavertune [Whar- ton], and Bernard (holds it) of him. (There is) there i hide. On the demesne are 2 ploughs and (there is) i villein with half a plough and 4 ox- men. It was and is worth 20s. The same William holds Newentone [New- ton], and Bernard (holds it) of him. Ulward held (it). Bruning held (it). (There is) there half a hide. This land is waste. The same William holds Dilge [Dilwyn Sellers]. Richard (holds it) of him. Elmer held (it). (There is) there I hide, and on the demesne (is) i plough ; and (there is) a rad- knight with 1 plough. (There are) there i Frenchman and 4 bordars rendering 2$d. (There are) there 2 serfs and i bondwoman. It was worth 5^., now 20s. The same William holds Hetfelde [Hatfield], and Ralph (holds it) of him. Elmer held it! (There is) there half a hide, and on the demesne are i plough and 2 serfs. It was worth 65^. Now is. William son of Norman holds Bradeford^* [? Broadward]. Leuenod held (it). (There is) there half a hide, and on the demesne (is) I plough, and (there are) 2 villeins and a smith and 5 bordars with 2 ploughs. (There are) there 2 serfs and a mill worth i os., and a fishery yielding 500 eels. It was worth 20^., now 19^. Drew son of Ponz holds Hantone [Hamp- ton],=' and Stephen holds (it) of him. (There is) I hide, and on the demesne (is) i plough and (there is) 1 bordar with i plough, and a mill worth 40^. Edric held (it). It is and was {semper) worth 20s, '° See Introd. 304-5. In Hope-under-Dinmore, or Nevir Hampton in. Docklow. 315