Page:VCH Herefordshire 1.djvu/392

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A HISTORY OF HEREFORDSHIRE Of this manor 2 knights hold 3 hides, and the Bishop's chaplain I hide, and the priest of the vill I virgate of land. These men have 6 ploughs and 5 villeins and i bordar with fol. 182. 4 ploughs and 3 serfs. The reeve (prepositus) of the vill has I mill worth 32^^. T.R.E. and afterwards as now it was worth 10//. and i^s. In Bromesesce Hundred In WiBOLDiNGTUNE [Whittlngton] *' are 3 hides which by rights belong to the bishopric. They are waste and were waste. There is a fishery there. In Walecford [Walford] are 7 hides paying geld. On the demesne is I plough, and there could be 2 more. (There are) there 6 villeins and 4 bordars with 5 ploughs. (There are) there 1 4 acres of meadow and 3 hayes {haiae). The villeins pay los. for the waste land. In RossE [Ross] are 7 hides paying geld. On the demesne is I plough, and there could be another. (There are) there 18 villeins and 6 bordars and a priest with 23 ploughs. (There are) there 3 serfs and a mill worth 6/. and 8^. and 1 6 acres of meadow. The wood is in the King's forest [in defensu regis). The villeins pay I Si. as revenue {de censu). In Uptune [Upton Bishop] are 7 hides geld- able. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and 18 villeins and 1 1 bordars and 2 husbandmen and a priest. Among them all they have 28^ ploughs. (There are) there 5 serfs and 4 acres of meadow and a grove. The wood renders nothing. The villeins render 20s. according to custom. These three manors, Walforde, Rosse, and Uptune, are valued at 14/2. In Wimundestreu Hundred In LiEDEBERGE [Ledbury] are 5 hides. On the demesne are 2 ploughs and 10 villeins and I ' burus ' with 1 1 ploughs. (There are) there a mill worth 32^. and 7 acres of meadow. The wood (is) half a league long and half broad, and renders nothing. Of this manor a priest holds 2 hides and 2 knights (hold) I hide, and a radman 3 virgates. They have on the demesne 10 ploughs and (there are) 7 bordars with other men having 8 ploughs. (There is) part of a salt-pit in Wich [Droitwich]. T.R.E. it was worth lo/f., and afterwards and now 8//'. What the priest holds is worth SOS. Of this manor Earl Harold held i hide un- justly (namely) Hasles [Hazle], and Godric (held it) of him. King William restored (it) to Bishop Walter. On the demesne are 3 ploughs and (there are) 4 villeins with 3 ploughs, and a mill worth 2J., and 7 acres of meadow. T.R.E. and afterwards as now it was worth 25^ In Astenofre [Eastnor] are 4 hides geldable. In the demesne are 3 ploughs and (there are) 8 villeins and 7 bordars with 1 1 ploughs. (There are) there 6 acres of meadow and 2 hayes, and woodland which renders nothing, and part of a salt-pit in Wich [Droitwich]. The wood is 4 furlongs in length, and 2 in breadth. Of this (manor) i knight holds half a hide, and a mason (cementarius) half a hide and half a virgate. On the demesne (is) i plough, and (there are) 2 bordars with certain other men ; (there are) 3 ploughs. T.R.E. and afterwards as now it was worth 4//. In Bageberge [? Backbury]**^ are 5 hides geld- able. On the demesne are 2 ploughs and (there are) 16 villeins and 13 bordars with 20 ploughs. (There are) there a mill worth 32(5?. and 8 acres of meadow, and a wood which renders nothing, and part of a salt-pit in Wich [Droitwich]. Of this manor 2 knights hold i hide and 3 virgates, and 2 radmen (hold) 3^ virgates. These have on the demesne 4 ploughs, and their men (have) 6 ploughs and a mill worth i6d. T.R.E. and afterwards as now it was worth 8//. less 5^. In BosEBERGE [Bosbury] are 6 hides geldable. On the demesne (are) 2 ploughs and 17 villeins and 16 bordars and a husbandman with 22 ploughs. (There are) there 2 serfs, and a mill worth 30^. and 8 acres of meadow, and a wood which renders nothing. A priest holds I hide and has i plough. T.R.E. and afterwards as now it was worth en. In Credelaie [Cradley] are 12 hides. One of these is waste. The others pay geld. On the demesne are 3 ploughs and (there are) 23 villeins, and 3 bordars, and 6 ' buri ' with 28 ploughs. (There are) there 5 serfs, and a mill worth 22d. and 7 acres of meadow. The wood (is) one league long and half a league broad, and renders nothing. There is I haye {haia) there. Of this manor a priest holds I ^ virgates, and the reeve (holds) half a hide, and 2 knights i hide and i^ virgates, and 1 radman half a hide. They have in demesne 5 ploughs and their bordars (have) 6 ploughs. T.R.E. and afterwards as now it was worth 10//. In CoLEWELLE [Colwall] are 3 hides geldable, and they belong to Credelaie. On the demesne Opposite Doward on the Wye (J.G.W.). Nr. Mordiford (J.G.W.). 322