Page:VCH Herefordshire 1.djvu/97

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BOTANY Several rare helleborines are found ; the white and the marsh helleborine (Cephalanthera ensifilia and pa/ustris) in the Haugh Wood and another species {Ep'tpactis atro-rubens ? ) at Gorsley. The beautiful hybrid violet {Viola permixta) is found all through Herefordshire ; another closely related hybrid w^hich is far rarer [Viola sepimola) has been found in the Fownhope Woods and the rare wild pear {Pyrus cordata) in the Haugh Wood. The characteristic of the brambles of the Woolhope neighbourhood is the great multiplication of Caesian forms, few of which can have any name assigned to them ; among these Bucknall's bramble [Rubus Bucknalli) has been identified by its author, Mr. J. W. White, F.L.S. and abounds at several localities. The Gorsley district is noted for abun- dance of the beautiful Rubus adornatus, and in the Queen's Wood, both in Herefordshire and Gloucester- shire, grows the very rare bramble named from this large woodland Rubus regillus. A grass very rare in Herefordshire {Koehleria cristata) grows on Marcle Ridge Hill, and the common heath {Erica cinerea) is abundant at Gorsley alone in all the county. List of more interesting plants found in the Woolhope district : — Ranunculus Lenonnandi, F. Schultz Helleborus viridis, L. — foetidus, L. Viola odorata X hirta (sepincola, Jord.) Dianthus Armeria, L. Cerastium qnaternellum, Fenzl. Hypericum montanum, L'Herit. Rhamnus catharticus, L. Genista anglica, L. Trifolium fragiferum, L. AnthyUis Vulneraria, L. Lotus corniculatus, L., sub-sp.tenuis(WaIdst.& Kit.) Astragalus glycyphyllos, L. Lathyrus sylvestris, L. Rubus nemoralis, P. J. Muell., var. glabratus, Bab. — pubescens, W., var. subinermis, Rogers — macrophyllus, W. & N., var. macrophylloides, (Genev.) Rubus hirtifolius, Muell. & Wirtg., var. molllssimus (Rogers) — anglosaxonicus, Gelert, sub-sp. setulosus, Rogers — Borreri, Bell Salt. — radula, Weihe — oigoclados, Muell. & Lefv., var. Newbouldii, Rogers — regillus, A. Ley — Babingtonii, Bell Salt. — scaber, W. & N. — fuscus, W. & N., var. macrostachys (P. J. Muell.) — pallidus, W. & N., var. leptopetalus, Rogers — longithyrsiger, Bab., var. botryeros, Rogers — rosaceus, W. & N., sub-sp. PurchasianuSjRogers sub-sp. adornatus, P. J. MueU. Rubus minutiflorus, P. J. MueU. — Bucknalli, White Potentilla verna, L. Pyrus cordata, Desv. Carum Carvi, L. Viburnum Lantana, L. Dipsacus pilosus, L. Gentiana campestris, L. Lathraea Squamaria, L. Juniperus communis, L. Cephalanthera ensifolia, Rich. Epipactis ? atrorubens, Schultz — palustris, Crantz Convallaria majalis, L. Typha angustifolia, L. Carex distans, L. — Pseudo-cyperus, L. Gastridium lendigerum, Gaud. Koehleria cristata, Pers. Brachypodium pinnatum, Beauv. Hordeum sylvaticum, Huds. 4. Ledbury The first of the eastern districts of Herefordshire consists of the basin of the little River Leddon together with the hills rising to its east and the intervening tract between these and the Malvern range. Its boundaries on the north and west are formed by the Worcester and Hereford road until it reaches the Frome valley, thence southwards through Canon Frome and Ashperton to Pixley, from which point to the county boundary it borders the Woolhope district. On the south and east it is bounded by the counties of Gloucester and Worcester : west and north of the Malvern Hills this boundary was very irregular until rectified after the passing of the Local Government Act in 1892 ; a large piece containing the parish of Mathon lying west of the Malvern range belonging to Worcestershire, while a tract containing Cowleigh Park lying north of the Malverns belonged to Herefordshire. The plants of Cowleigh Park having been published in the Flora of Herefordshire are notwithstanding this change included in this essay. This district is chiefly made up of the Silurian hills rising above Ledbury, and includes a fringe of the igneous rocks of the Malvern range from Midsummer Hill on the south to the End Hill on the north. The flora of this district is of much interest, containing several plants whose chief habitation lies mainly eastwards in Worcestershire, and several otherwise rare in the county of Hereford. On the margins of the Malvern range and along the foot of the hills the following plants have been found : — Climbing corydalis [Corydalis claviculata), wild mignonette {Reseda lutea knotted spurrey {Sagina nodosa), least bird's-foot {Ornithopus perpusillus), bastard pimpernel {Centunculus minimus), yellow star of Bethlehem [Gagea luted), and a rare hybrid sedge {Carex axillaris). Cowleigh Park with adjoining copses now reckoned as belonging to the county of Worcester supports the bee and frog orchises {Ophrys apifera and Habenaria viridis), the large-leaved lime {Tilia platyphyllos) which in the writer's judgement has claims to be considered native at this station, and several rare brambles {Rubus argenteus, obscurus, Bellardii and velatus). The neighbourhood of Malvern in its Worcestershire 45