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Page:VCH Hertfordshire 1.djvu/357

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HERE ARE NOTED THE LANDHOLDERS HERTFORDSHIRE IN i KING WILLIAM xxiv II The archbishop of Canter- xxv bury xxvi in The bishop of Winchester xxvn iv The bishop of London xxvm v The bishop of Bayeux xxix vi The bishop of Lisieux xxx vn The bishop of Chester xxxi vin The abbot of Ely xxxn ix The abbot of Westminster xxxm x The abbot of St. Albans 1 xxxiv xi The abbess of Chatteris xxxv xii The canons of London xxxvi xin The canons of Waltham xxxvn xiv The count of Mortain xxxvm xv Count Alan xxxix xvi Count Eustace XL xvn Earl Roger XLI xvin Robert de Olgi (Oilgi) xix Robert Gernon XLII xx Robert de Todeni XLIII xxi Ralf de Todeni XLIV xxn Ralf de Limesi xxin Ralf Bainiard I. THE KING'S LAND IN BRADEWATRE [BROADWATER] HUNDRET King William holds WIMUNDESLAI [Wy- mondley]. It is assessed at 8 hides. There is land for 1 8 ploughs. In the demesne are 2i hides, and on it are 3 ploughs ; and 24 villeins and i sokeman and 5 bordars and 5 Rannulf brother of Ilger Hugh de Grentemaisnil Hugh de Beauchamp William de Ow William de Odburgvile Walter the Fleming Eudo ' Dapifer ' Edward de Saresberie Geoffrey de Mannevile Geoffrey de Bech Goisbert de Beauvais Peter de Valongies Harduin de Escalers Edgar (the ^theling) Maigno the Breton Gilbert son of Salomon Sigar de Cioches Derman and other English- men, the King's (men) Rothais the wife of Richard Adeliz the wife of Hugh The daughter of Ralf Tail- gebosch cottars have 15 ploughs (between them). 8 There are 6 serfs, and i mill worth 2O shil- lings. Meadow is there sufficient for i plough team and 2 oxen, and pasture sufficient for the live stock of the vill, and wood 3 sufficient for the fences. This manor belonged to the demesne of the church* of St. Mary of Cetriz [Chatteris], but earl Harold took it away from

  • The words ' between them ' have been sup-

1 The abbot of Ramsey who follows the plied by the editor wherever they occur, abbot of St. Albans, fol. 136, is omitted in the 8 'Nemus' (translated 'wood' throughout). MS. in this list. See Introduction, p. 299. * i.f. ' abbey.' 301