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Page:VCH Hertfordshire 1.djvu/359

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS unjustly and perforce, I 'avera' (carrying ser- it to (posuerunt in) Hiz [Hitchin] because he vice of i load) and ' inward ' (bodyguard refused to find the ' avera ' for the sheriff, service) l for the King ; so the shire-moot (scyra) Geoffrey de Bech, Ilbert's successor, claims testifies. These 2 manors Ilbert when he in regard to this manor to have the King's was sheriff added to Hiz [Hitchin] as the mercy (reclame t pro hoc manerio mherhordiam rtgit). King William holds OFFELEI [Offley]. It is assessed at 2 hides. There is land for 9 ploughs. Five sokemen held it T.R.E. and they hold it now of king William. There are 8 ploughs, and there could be a ninth. There are 2 villeins and 17 bordars and 3 cottars and 3 serfs. Meadow is there suffi- cient for i plough team, pasture sufficient for the live stock, woodland to feed 120 swine, and wood sufficient for the fences. Its total value always has been 4 pounds and 4 shil- lings. These same men held it of earl Harold and could assign (dare) or sell. The soke however always belonged to (jacuit in) Hiz [Hitchin]. They found 2 ' averse ' and 2 ' inward! ' (service of 2 loads, and 2 men for the bodyguard). In this same vill Edward of Periton [Pirton] holds 3 virgates. There is land for 2 ploughs ; a half-plough is there, and there could be another plough and half-plough. There is i villein ; and wood sufficient for the fences. Its value is 5 shillings ; when received it was 6 shillings and 8 pence ; T.R.E. IO shillings. Of this land Aluin, a man of archbishop Stigand's, held half a hide, and a man of earl Harold's, Abo by name, held i virgate. These could assign (dare) or sell their land, but its soke remained in Hiz [Hit- chin], In the other OFFELEI [Offley] i sokeman holds i hide. There is land for 2 ploughs. One plough is there, and therecould be another. There are there I villein and i bordar and I cottar ; and there is wood sufficient for fencing. Its value has always been 26 shil- fo. 133 lings and 8 pence. He who now holds it held it T.R.E. of earl Harold and could sell. The soke remained in Hiz [Hitchin]. He rendered i 'avera' and i 'inward' (carrying service of i load, and i man for bodyguard). This sokeman and the 5 above of Offelei Ilbert de Hertford attached to (apposuit in) Hiz [Hitchin]. In WELLE [Well(bury)] * i sokeman holds I hide. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne is i, and there could be 2 more. hundred (court) attests. King William holds WAVEDENE* [Wan- don (End) in King's Walden]. It is assessed at 3 virgates. There is land for 2 ploughs and 6 oxen, and these are there, with 6 vil- leins. There is woodland for 40 swine. This land earl Harold held in his manor of Hiz [Hitchin], and to this manor it now belongs (jacet). King William holds CERLETONE [Charlton] . 8 It is assessed at i virgate. There is land for i plough, and this is there with 2 cottars, and i mill worth 20 pence. Its value is and always was 10 shillings. Two sokemen held this land of earl Harold and could sell with- out his leave. The soke was always in Hiz [Hitchin]. Ilbert when he was sheriff added it to Hiz. King William holds DENESLAI [Temple Dinsley]. It is assessed at 7 hides. There is land for 20 ploughs. In the demesne are 3^ hides, and 3 ploughs are on it ; and 19 villeins have 8 ploughs between them, and there could be 9 more. There are 7 bordars and 7 cottars and 6 serfs and i Frenchman, a King's almsman (e/emosinarius), there. There are 2 mills worth 16 shillings, meadow suffi- cient for i plough team, pasture sufficient for the live stock of the vill, woodland to feed 300 swine. It pays in all yearly 14 pounds assayed and weighed out, and 5 pounds by tale. It paid the same sums T.R.E. and when Peter the sheriff received it. Two sokemen held this manor as 2 manors of earl Harold T.R.E. and could sell. Yet they each found 2 ' averse ' (carrying service of 2 loads) and 2 ' inwardi ' (men for bodyguard) in Hiz [Hitchin] ; but (it was by) injustice and by force, as the hundred (court) testifies. These 2 manors Ilbert held as one, and he was seized thereof by the King's ' brief for as long as he was sheriff, as the shiremoot (scyra) testifies. But after he ceased to be sheriff Peter de Valongies and Ralf Tailge- bosch took this manor from him and attached 1 See, for these services, Introduction, pp. 269-71.

  • It is just possible that the Domesday scribe

mistook ' Waedene ' . < w f V W f /fS "i ^ and then There 4 bordars have I plough between them, wrote the latter as ' Waredene (J.H.R.). 3 Alias Moremead manor. 4 In Offley. See Introduction, p. 297. 303