Page:VCH Hertfordshire 1.djvu/458

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A HISTORY OF HERTFORDSHIRE Bennington [Belinton], Alvric of, 323^, note 276 Bettice, 275, 335* Blache, 315,5 Bondig the staller, note 277 Boscombe [Boscumbe], ./Elfstan [Alestan] de, thegn of King Edward, 277, 282, 327,5, 328,7, 334* Boulogne, Eustace Count of, 277, 279, 281, 301*;, 320,5, 321,?, 321,5, 322/7, 322,5, note 282 Brand, 287, 3270 Brictric, 318/7 Brihtric [Brictric], 268, 323/7 Brok, Laurence de, 297 Bruning, 308,5 Burgi, 331^ Burhed, note 277 Burn el, Bishop, 297 Burnel, Philip, 297 Busch, Alvric, 333* Caddington [Cadendune], Ead- wine of, note 281 Canterbury, Archbishop of Lanfranc, 275, 291, 292, 301/7,305/7, 305^, 319^ Stigand, 267, 268, 270, 275, 291, 303$, 3055, 305*, 306*, 307^, 309/7, 309*, 310/7, 310^, 311,7, 31 iJ, 3155, 320,7, 325^, 334". 338, 339". 339*, 340/7, 3413, 342/7, 343^, 344f Caron, William de, 291 Chatteris [Cetriz] Abbess of, 301/7, 316^ Abbey of, 278, 301^, 316^, 329/7, 339/7 Nuns of, 272 Chester, Robert Bishop of, 279, 301/7, 311/7, 311^ Cloches, Sigar de, 301^, 342/7 Cockenhatch [Cochenac], Algar of, 300 Derman [Deorman], 285, 296, 299, 301,5, 342/7, 342^, note 286 Derman of London, 285 Dode, ./Elfwine [Alwin], 336,5 Dodesone, ^Elfwine [Alwin],

  • 77, 34 2 *

Dorchester, Wulfwig Bishop of, note 277 Eadgar the ./Etheling [Edgarus Adeling], 265, 285, 301*, 341/7, 341,5 Eadgyth. See Edith Eadmer [Edmar, Edmer] 'Atule' [Attile], 269, 280, 281, 317,5, 319/7, 3234 Eadric, 289. See also Ederic, Edric Eadwine, note 277 Ealdred [.Eldred, Aldred] thegn of King Edward, 270, 306/7, 329/7, 329^. See also Eldred Eastwick [Estewiche], Wulfwine [Wlwin]of, 275, 335,7 Eaton [Etone], Wulfmar [Ulmar] of, 284, 300 Eddeva, 31 85 Eddeva the maiden, 310/7 Eddeva the nun, 318/7 Ederic [Edric] man of Earl Algar, 336/7, 3403 Edgar. See Eadgar Edith [Eddeva] the fair, 287, 288, 289, 291, 308/7, 3193, 320/7, 320^, 336/7, 340^. Edith [Eddid] queen of Edward the Confessor, 311^, 318/7, 322,5, 330/7, 330,5, 333/7, 342/5 Edmar ' atre,' 281. See also Eadmer Edmund man of Earl Harold, 309" Edred, 331/7 Edric man of Ansgar the staller, 306^. See also Eadric. Edward the Confessor, 268, 278, 281, 304^, 306,7, 307,5, 309/7, 310^,313/7,316,5,318/7, 318^, 319/7, 321/7, 322^, 323^, 324*, 324^, 325/7, 326*, 327*, 327/5, 328/7, 328^, 329/7, 329,5, 330^, 333", 333*, 334*, 335", 335*, 337", 337*, 338", 338^, 339^, 340/7, 340^, 341/7, 341^, 342/7, 342*, 343/7, 343^, 344^ Edzi, 270, 277, 308/7, note 275 Elaf, 287, 334,5 Eldred [Eldret], 307^, 339^. See also Ealdred Ely Abbey of, 263, 264/7, 264,5, 278, 312* Abbot of, 264/7, 264^, 264, 271, 288, 290, 301/7, 307/7, 308/7, 311^, 312/7 Engelric [Ingelric], 267, 268, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 318*, 318^, 320/5, 321/7, 3413 Eschalers [Escalers, Echalers, Sealers], Hardwin [Harduin] de, 269, 283, 292, 300, 301^, 319^338-5, 339", 339^, 34", 340^, 341/7. See also Scalariis Esgar. See Ansgar Etone. See Eaton Eudo the daplfer (son of Hubert de Ryes), 284, 285, 293, 300, 301,5, 328,5, 329/7, 329^, note 286 Eustace. See Boulogne Geoffrey, 315/7. See also Bech, Geoffrey de Germund. See St. Ouen Gernon [Grenon], Robert, 265, 277, 282, 286, 297, 301,7, 323/7, 3233, 324/7, 324* Gilbert, 307/7 Gilbert son of Salomon, 301^, Fulco, 336/7 Fulcold, 3 1 Sa 388 Goda, 342^ Code, 330/7, 333,7 Gode ' man ' of King Edward, 321/7, 322,4 Goded [Godid, Godeed], 270, 276, 277, 282, 308/7, 322/7,322^,33 1,5,332 Godfrey, 3 3 6b Godgifu [Godeve], 331/7 Coding, 315/7 Godmund, 343^ Godric man of ^Ethelmaer of Bennington, 324* Godric man of Archbishop Stigand, 315/7 Godtone [Godton, Gotone], ./Elfwine [Alwin] of, 277, 314/7, 326^, 332/7, 343/7, 344^ Goduin, 291, 319/7, 341/7, 341^ Goduin man of jEthelmaer of Bennington, 323^ Goduin man of Earl Harold, 3044 Goduin man of Engelric, 3 1 8/7 Godwine of Bendfield. See Benfieldbury Godwine, Earl, 275 Godwine [Goduin] a thegn of King Edward, 286, 335/7 Gouti, 322/7 Grentmaisnil [Grentmesnil, Grentemaisnil], Hugh de, 279, 283, 301,5, 311/7, 326/5. See also Adeliz Grutt [Grud], Alnod, 308^, 309-5 Guy the priest, 335/7 Gyrth [Guert], Earl, 326/7, 327/7, 339/5, 340^ Harold, Earl, 270, 272, 273, 274, 278, 299, 300, 301,5, 302/7, 302,5, 303/7, 303^, 304/7, 304,5, 310^, 311/7,317,5,321/7, 321^, 322/7, 324,5, 326/7, 328^, 332/7, 3335,334/7, 33 5^, 336,7, 337^, 3 39> 339^,34", 34 1 ", 344* Hatfield, priest of, 264^, 264^, 264 Herbert son of Ivo, 291, 314^ Hertfordshire, sheriff of. See Ilbert, Valognes Horemere, Godwine de, 265, 285 Home [Horim], ^Elfwine [Al- win], 285, 291, 342/7, 342^