Page:VCH Kent 1.djvu/121

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BOTANY Ephemerum * stellatum, Philib. 9 (Goudhurst) Physcomitrella 'patens, Br. & Sch. 8 {Westerham, Pern- bury Green) Physcomitrium pyriforme, Brid. 3,5,8 Funaria *ericetorum, Dixon. 2 (Joydens Wooi), 9 (Goud- hurst) — fascicularis, Br. & Sch. 8 9 — hygrometrica, Hedw. l-io Meesiace^ Aulacomnion androgynum, Schwaegr. I {Abbey Wood, in fruit), 8, 9 — palustre, Schwaegr. 8, 9, 10 BaRTRAMIACEjE Bartramia pomiformis, Hedw. I, 8, 9, 10 {Hythe) — *ithyphyUa, Bird. 2 {Hal- stead), 9 {Charing) Philonotis *capillaris, Lindb. 8 {Godden Green), 9 {Goud- hurst) — fontana, Brid. i, 9, 10 Bryaceje Leptobryum pyriforme, Wils. 8,9 Webera albicans, Schimp. I, 8 — annotina, Schwaegr. 8 {Pembury, in fruit), 9 — carnea, Schp. i, 2 {Green- hithe, in fruit) — nutans, Hedw. I, 8 — *Tozeri, Schimp. z {Swans- combe Wood), 9 {Goud- hurst) Bryum *alpinum, Huds. I {Spring Park Wood) — argenteum, L. 2, 5, 8, 10 — atropurpureum, W. & M. 1,3,8 var. gracilentum, Tayl. I — bimum, Schreb. 5, 8 — casspiticium, Linn, i, 3, 6, 8, 10 (Shorncliffe) — capillare, L. 3, 5, 8 var. cochleariforme. 8 var. torquescens, Husn. 8, 10 — Donianum, Grev. I, 8 (in fruit, near Sevenoaks) and 10 {Sandgate) — erythrocarpum, Schwaegr. z,8 — inclinatum. Bland. 8 — intermedium, Brid. 8 — murale, Wils. 5, 8, 9 — pallens, Sw. I — pallescens, Schleich. 8 — pendulum, Schimp. I, 5, 8 — •provinciale, Philib. 8 {Ight- ham) Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Schwaegr. i, 8, 9 — 'roseum, Schreb. I {Eltham) 8 {Sevenoaks), 9 (Ashford) Mnium *afSne, Bland. 8 {Sand- ling, Ightham, in fruit on Peneden Heath), 9 {Cran- brook) — 'cuspidatum, Hedw. 5 {Sand- wich), 8 {Knole Park, Ightham) — hornum, L. I, 7, 8 — punctatum, L. 2, 7, 8 — rostratum, Schwaegr. I, 8 (in fruit near Sevenoaks), 9, 10 — *stellare, Reich. 7 {Dover), 8 {Langton Green), 9 {Char- ing) — undulatum, L. 2, 7, 8 (Tunbridge Wells, in fruit ) FoNTINALACEj* Fontinalis antipyretica, L. 2, 8, 9 CRYPH.ffiACE.5; Cryphasa heteromalla, Mohr. 3,8,9 NECKERACE.ff: Neckera complanata, Hiibn. I, 8,9 — *crispa, Hedw. 2, 6, 8, 10 — pumila, Hedw. 6, 8 {Dunton Green, in fruit), 9 Homalia trichomanoides, Br. & S. 2,8,9 HoOKERIACEjE Pterygophyllum lucens, Brid. 3,8,9 Leucodontace«  •Antitrichia curtipendula, Brid. 10 {Lydd Beach) Leucodon sciuroides, Schwaegr. 7, 8, 9 Porotrichum alopecurum, Mitt. 8 Leskeace^ Anomodon viticulosus. Hook. & Tayl. 2, 6, 8 Heterocladium *heteropterura, Br. & Sch. 8 {Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells), 9 {Goud- hurst) Leptodon 'Smithii, Mohr. 5 {Waldershare Park), 7 {Barham, Dover) Leskea polycarpa, Ehrh. 8, 9 Thuidium abietinum, Br. & Sch. var. hystricosum, Mitt. 2, 8 — 'Blandovii, Br. & Sch, 8 {Tunbridge Wells) 71 Thuidium recognitum, Lindb. I, 2, 8 — tamariscinum, Br. & Sch. 1,8 Hypnace^ Climacium dendroides, W. & M. .5 Cylindrotheciumconcinnum, Sch. 2,8 Camptothecium lutescens, Br. & Sch. 2, 8, 10 {Folkestone, in fruit) — sericeum, Kindb. I, 8 Brachythecium albicans, Br. & Sch. I, 2, 5 (fruiting near Dear), 8 — csspitosum, Dixon. 8, 9 — glareosum, Br. & Sch. 6, 8 — *illecebrum, De Not. i, 8 (in fruit near Tunbridge Wells), 9, 10 — plumosum, Br. & Sch. 8, 9 — populeum, Br. & Sch. 6, 8, 9 — purum, Dixon. 2, 6 (in fruit near Charing), 8, 10 — rivulare, Br. & Sch. 8, 9 — rutabulum, Br. & Sch. I, 8, 9 — 'salebrosum, Br. & Sch. 6 {Bredhurst) var. *Mildei. 5 {Deal), 9 {Bidden den) — velutinum, Br. & Sch. I, 2, 8, 9 Eurhynchium ♦abbreviatum, Schmp. 8 {Plaxtol) — *circinnatum, Br. & Sch. 10 {Hythe) — confertum, Milde. I, 8, 10 — crassinervium, Br. & Sch. 8 {Polehill, in fruit), 9 — *curvisetum, Sch. 10 {Hythe) — megapolitanum, Milde. I,S, 8 — murale, Milde. 8, 9 — myosuroides, Schimp. I, 8 — myurum, Dixon. 8 — piliferum, Br. & Sch. 2, 8, 9 — - praelongum, Schimp. 2, 7, 8 — pumilum, Schimp. i, 8 — rusciforme, Milde. 2, 8, 9 — 'striatulum, Br. & Sch. 8 {Basted, S hif borne), 9 {Goudhurst) — striatum, Br. & Sch. I, 8, 10 — Swartzii, Hobk. 2, 6, 8 {Otford and Maidstone, in fruit) — tenellum, Milde. 2, 8, 9 var. scabrellum, Dixon. 2, 8 Plagiothecium 'Borrerianum, Spruce & Suld. 8 {Ight- ham, Tunbridge Wells, in fruit) — denticulatum, Br. & Sch. I, 8, 10 — depressum, Dixon. 2, 8, lo {Hythe)