BOTANY Class V.— CRYPTOGAMIA CELLULARIA (cont.) Sub-Class — Muscine^ {continued) Order — Musci (continued) Sub-Order XXV. — Hypnaceas {cont.) Amblystegium irriguum, B. and S. 60. ' Rare.' 'Ht. Lancaster ; Hamilton. 'Nx. Siher- dale ; A. Wilson — Juratzkanum, Schimp. 59. Birkdale ; nr. Aintree s Wheldon. 60. Nr. Glas- son ; Wheldon. Lea; Beesley — fluviatile, B. and S. 60. Leighton Beck ; on stones in Lune below Kirkby Lonsdale; Ease Gill; A. Wilson. Halion; W.and W. — filicinum, De Not. var. Whiteheads, Wheldon. ^g. Souti^ort ; -|- ; Whel- don. Rainfird; Beesley and Wheldon. 60. Between Lytham and St. Anne's; Wheldon. Distr. Haddington ; Dixon, var. elatum, Schimp. Southport, 1882 ; Holt A. CaMPYLIUM Hypnum — elodes, Spruce. 59. Sout6/>ort; W. Wilson, Marrat. Birkdale ; Burscough ; -)- ; Wheldon. 60. ' Rare,' S/. Anne's; Wheldon. Hatves Water ; Silverdale ; A. Wilson — polygamum, Schimp. $g. Warireci Moor; Wheldon in litt. 60. Mostly on sandhills, St. Anne's; + ; Wheldon. Ribbleton ; nr. Preston, not sandhill; Beesley B. ' Harpidium ' (' Harpidioid ' Hypna, after Renauld, arranged by J. A. Wheldon) Hypnum aduncum, Hedw. Group typicum, Ren. forma falcata, Ren. 59. Wheldon and Holt. 60. Wheldon forma gracilescens, Ren. 59. W.Wilson. 60. Wheldon forma tenuis, Ren. 59. Holt var. aquaticum, Sanio. 59. W. Wilson, Wheldon. 60. H. Beesley var. diversifolia, Ren. 59. Wheldon. 60. Wheldon Group Kneifii, Ren. var. polycarpon, Bland. 59. Wheldon. 60. Wheldon var. attenuatum, Boul. 59. Wheldon. 60. A. Wilson var. intermedium, Schimp. 59. Whel- don, Holt. 60. A Wilson f. penna, Sanio. 59. Wheldon f. laxifolia, Ren. 59. Wheldon, Holt. 60. H. Beesley Group pseudo-fluitans, Sanio var^ paternum, Sanio. 59. Wheldon, Holt. 60. H. Beesley f. gracilis. 59. Wheldon Class V.- CRYPTOGAMIA CELLULARIA {cont.) Sub-Class — Muscine^ {continued) Order — Musci (continued) Group pseudo-fluitans {cmt.) Hypnum Sendtneri, Schimp. ' In marshes near the sea, but also inland.' f. vulgaris, Sanio. 59. Wheldon. 60. Wheldon f. trivialis, Sanio. 59. Renauld in Husn. Muse. Gall. p. 374 — Wilsoni, Schimp. Southport (locus classi- cus), W. Wilson. Birkdale ; Ainsdale ; W. Wilson. Still abundant in these localities, Wheldon. 60. St. Anne's ; Wheldon var. hamatum, Schimp. 59. Wheldon. 60. Wheldon Obs. This rare moss, named by Schimper in honour of the well- known Lancashire botanist Wm. Wil- son, has only been found in three other localities. — lycopodioides, Schwaegr. 59. Ainsdale; Southport ; W. Wilson, Marrat, etc. 'Where it still grows abundantly, and occasionally fruits.' Formby ; Wheldon. 60. St. Anne's ; Wheldon — uncinatum, Hedw. ' Frequent in sub- alpine places, not a marsh plant.' f. plumosa, Ren. 60. Nr. Preston ; H. Beesley. Greygarth Fell ; A. Wilson — fluitans, L. Not common, except in parts of East Lancashire. 60. Lower Bleas- dale; + ; W. and W. Group amphibium, Ren. var. Jeanbernati. 60. O. Wyresdale ; Greygarth Fell; -f- ; W. and W. f. tenella, Ren. 60. Bleasdole Fell ; + ; W. and W. f. condensata, Ren. 60. White Moss, Hindbum ; W. and W. var. atlanticum, Ren. 59. PendleHill; Wheldon ; 60. Wyresdale ; Greygarth Fell; -f ; W. and W. var. elatum, Ren. et Arnell. 60. Cocker- ham Moss ; W. and W. var. gracile, Boulay. 59. Pendle Hill ; Wheldon. 60. Longridge Fell ; ■- ; W. and W. var. setiforme, Ren. 60. Goodber Com- mon ; A. Wilson var. Payoti, Ren. [60. Greenbank Fell ; W. andW. 'Not typical.'] Group falcatum, Ren. var. falcatum, Schimp. 59. Pendle Hill; Wh. 60. Nr. Garstang; ■}- ; W. and W. var. ovale, Ren. MS. in litt. ad Whel- don. 59. Pendle Hill; Wheldon. 60. Greygarth Fell, 1800 ft. ; A. Wilson Group exannulatum, Ren. (H. exan- nulatum, GOemb.) 60. Calder Valley ; -f ; A. Wilson. Not very common 75