A HISTORY OF LEICESTERSHIRE STAPHYLINIDAE (continued) Homalium laeviusculum, Gyll. Gumley, usually a coast insect eziguum, Gyll. Local oxycanthae, Gr. n.c. salicis, Gyll. r. brevicorne, Er. Gumley. The Rev. A. Matthews introduced this species to the British list in 1862 iopterum, Stcph. Local - planum, Pk. r. deplanatum, Gyll. r. testaceum, Er. Gumley, 3 specimens in 1862, in rotten wood (Rev. A. Matthews) ; no other British record is known striatum, Gr. Local Eusphalerum primulae, Pk. Local Anthobium minutum, F. Local sorbi, Gyll. Gumley, r. Ptoteinus atomarius, Er. Gumley, r. Megarthrus dcnticollis, Beck. r. hemipterus, 111. r. Phloecharis subtilissima, Man. Gumley Prognatha quadricornis, Kirb. Under bark, local, but n.r. SILPHIDAE Calyptomerus dubius, Marsh. Local Clambus armadillo, DeG. r. - minutus, Sturm, r. Agathidium nigripenne, Kug. c. Under bark in April atrum, Payk. n.c. seminulum, L. Sheet Hedges Wood, r. laevigatum, Er. Buddon - varians, Beck. Gumley convcxum, Sharp. Bradgate - nigrinum, Sturm. Local Amphicyllis globus, F. Local Liodes humeralis, Kug. Under oak bark orbicularis, Hbst. r. Cyrtusa minuta, Ahr. Gumley, one specimen Anisotoma cinnamomea, Pz. Local evening sweeping in woods oblonga, Er. Bar Jon Hill, September evening sweeping dubia, Kug. Bradgate, r. ovalis, Schm. Local punctulata, Gyll. r. calcarata, Er. n.r. nigrita, Schm. n.r. Colensis dentipcs, Gyll. Bardcm Hill, evening sweeping Triathron markeli, Schm. Bardon Hill, evening sweeping Necrodes littoralis, L. Abundant at times, but n.c. Necrophorus interruptus, Steph. r. Leicester (Dr. Barrow) Silpha tristis, 111. n.r. nigrita, Cr. c. quadripunctata, L. Charntaood Forest, c.; not found elsewhere in the county reticulata, F. Buddm, Gumley, r. opaca, L. Leicester, r. thoracica, L. c. rugosa, L. c. sinuata, F. n.r. SILPHIDAE (continued) Silpha dispar, Hbst. Gnby and Sheet Hedges Wood laevigata, F. r. atrata, L. c. var. brunnea. Buddon, Leicester Frith Choleva angustata, F. c. intermedia, Kr. r. spadicea, Stm. r. anisotomoides, Spence. v.r. longula, Kell. r. coracina, Kell. Gumley, v.r. morio, F. r. fumata, Spence. c. Colon serripes, Sahl. Bradgate, r. puncticolle, Kr. Gumley - brunneum, Lat. latum, Kr. SCYDMAENIDAE Neuraphes sparshalli, Den. r. var. minutus, Chaud. First taken at Gumley by Rev. A. Matthews Scydmaenus godarti, Lat. Buddon Wood, with For- mica rufa ; taken again recently after a lapse of nearly forty years (Donisthorpe, Bouskell) pusillus, Mull. Buddon Wood Euconnus hirticollis. 111. r. Euthia scydmaenoides, Steph. Kegworth plicata, Gyll. Buddon Wood, with Formica rufa PSELAPHIDAE Bythinus puncticollis, Den. r. - validus, Aub. r. - curtisi, Denny, r. - securiger, Reich. Buddon Wood Rybaxis sanguinea, L. Saddington Reservoir, v.c. Bryaxis haematica, Reich, r. - impressa, Pz. r. Biloporus bicolor, Den. r. Euplectus kunzei, Aub. Gumley - karsteni, Reich. Kegworth, Gumley, I. signatus, Reich. Gumley nanus, Reich. Gumley TRICHOPTERYGIDAE Ptinella aptera, Guer. r. Trichopteryx thoracina, Waltl. Gumley, r. anthracina, Mat. Gumley fratcrcula, Mat. Gumley, 3 specimens ; no other British record grandicollis, Man. n.r. - cantiana, Mat. Gumley ; only 3 other records attenuata, Gill. Gumley, v.r.; only 3 other records brevis, Mots. Gumley, twice in vegetable refuse ; only one other British record from Repton (Derby) bovina, Mots. n.r. brevipennis, Er. Local ; Gumley, Buddon Wood longicornis, Man. Gumley, r. ; as far as I can ascertain there is no other locality known longula, Mat. r. picicornis, Man. r. jansoni, Mat. v.r. ; the only 3 British specimens known were taken near Gumley by Rev. A. Matthews 7