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Page:VCH Leicestershire 1.djvu/376

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LEDECESTRESCIRE fol. 230. In KING EDWARD'S TIME THE CITY OF LEDECESTRE [Leicester] rendered yearly to the king 30 pounds by tale (ad numerum) of 2O to the ounce (ora) and 1 5 sestars (sextartii) of honey. When the king went with his army by land 12 burgesses went with him from this borough. If, however, he went against an enemy by sea they sent him 4 horses from the same borough to London to carry weapons or other things of which there might be need. King William now has 42 pounds 10 shil- lings by weight for all the rents (redditibui) of the same city and shire. For a hawk, 10 pounds by tale. For a sumpter horse 20 shillings. From the moneyers 20 pounds yearly of 20 to the ounce (ora}. Of these 20 pounds Hugh de Grentemaisnil has the third penny. The king has in LEDECESTRE [Leicester] 39 houses. The archbishop of York, 2 houses with sac and soc, belonging to Cherlintone [Tur Langton]. Earl Hugh (of Chester), 10 houses, which pertain to Barhou [Barrow] and 6 houses per- taining to Cacheworde [Kegworth] and i house pertaining to Locteburne [Loughborough]. The abbey of Coventreu [Coventry] has 10 houses. The abbey of Cruiland [Crowland] has 3 houses. Of all these the king has his geld (geldum). Hugh de Grentemaisnil has no houses and 2 churches. Besides these he has 24 houses in common with the king in the same borough. Besides these the same Hugh has in Leicester 24 burgesses pertainingto Hanstigie [Anstey]and 1 3 burgesses pertaining to Siglesbie [Sileby] and 3 houses pertaining to Inwaresbie [Ingarsby] and 10 houses pertaining to Merdegrave [Belgrave] and 4 houses pertaining to Brohtone [Broughton Astley] and 9 houses pertaining to Stotone [Stockerston] and 4 houses pertaining to Wichingestone [Wig- ston] and 7 houses pertaining to Andretesbie [Enderby] and 3 houses pertaining to Sceltone [Earl Shilton] and 10 houses pertaining to Burstelle [Birstall] and 2 houses pertaining to Burtone [Burton Overy] and i house pertaining to Brunestanestorp [Bruntingthorpe] and 2 houses pertaining to Diresford [Desford] and 3 houses pertaining to Legham [ ], which he bought of Osbern, and I house pertaining to Lettone [Thurlaston] and i house pertaining to Turchitelestone [Thurcaston]. In the same borough the same Hugh has 2 churches, and 2 houses, and 2 waste houses. Hugh de Witvile 1 holds 5 houses of the same Hugh with sac and soc. These belong to the exchange (sunt de mutatione) for Wadford [Watford]. 2 Robert de Veci has 6 houses with sac and soc pertaining to Niwetone [Newton Harcourt] and 3 others with sac and soc pertaining to Chiborne [Kibworth Harcourt]. Geoffrey de Wirce (has) i house pertaining to Dalbi [Little Dalby] and another pertaining to Pichewell [Pickwell]. In Leicester are 4 houses pertaining to Scepe- hefde [Shepshed] and i pertaining to Sadintone [Saddington] and i pertaining to Torp [Thorpe Acre]. 3 In the same borough Henry de Fereires and Robert Dispensator have i burgess. The Countess Judith has 28 houses in the same borough and 5 shillings and 4 pence from the half of the mill. Without the borough she has 6 carucates of land belonging to the borough, and has there i plough and her men (have) 3 ploughs. There (are) 7 acres of meadow. Wood(land) 6 furlongs in length and 3 furlongs in breadth. The whole is worth 40 shillings. The wood(land) of the whole sheriffdom called HERESWODE [ ] is 4 leagues in length and I league in breadth. HERE ARE ENTERED THE HOLDERS OF LANDS IN LEDECESTRESCIRE i KING WILLIAM ii The archbishop of York iii The bishop of Lincoln iiii The bishop of Coutances v The abbey of Peterborough 1 From this family was descended Elizabeth Wyd- ville, the queen of Edw. IV. Hugh de ' W ,dville ' also held 2 houses in Northampton. ' In Northamptonshire, in which county Hugh de Grentemaisnil held 3^ hides at Weeden Beck ' in ex- change for " Wadford." ' 1 These were manors of Queen Edith, now in the king's hand. 306