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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK Cruttwell, sometime Vicar of Denton ; John Curtis, in British Ento- mology ; the Rev. J. F. Dawson, in Geodephaga Britannica ; Henry Denny, author of Momgraphia Pselapidarum et Scyamcenidarum Britannia, Norwich, 1825 ; H. St. J. Donisthorpe, F.E.S. ; T. P. Dossetor, who lived in Norwich 1 876-87 ; E. G. Elliman, F.E.S. ; the Rev. Canon Fowler, in 'The Coleoptera of the British Isles ; W. L. Fox of Harleston (ob. 1866) ; Charles Garneys, surgeon, formerly of Bungay ; William Garneys, formerly of Bungay ; M. J. Griffin, formerly of Norwich ; A. H. Haworth, F.L.S., author of Lepidoptera Britannica (ob. 1833) ; W. C. Hewitson ; Joseph Hooker formerly of Norwich ; the Rev. W. Kirby, F.R.S. ; W. E. Leach, M.D., F.L.S. ; John Lindley, F.R.S., Professor of Botany, University College, London ; the Rev. A. Matthews, in Trichopterygia Illustrata et Descripta, 1872 ; Frank Norgate, sometime of Sparham ; C. J. and J. Paget, in A Sketch of the Natural History of Great Yarmouth and its Neighbourhood ; Robert Paul formerly of Starston Hall ; the late J. A. Power, M.D. ; the late E. C. Rye, co-editor of The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine ; J. D. Salmon, sometime of Thetford ; Robert Scales of Halvergate and afterwards of Beachamwell (ob. 1828) ; David Sharp, F.R.S. ; the Rev. T. Skrimshire of Syderstone (circ. 1825) ; the late F. Smith of the British Museum; Joseph Sparshall formerly of Norwich ; J. F. Stephens, in Illustrations of British Entomology ; the Rev. A. Thornley, F.E.S. ; H. J. Thouless of Norwich ; J. J. Walker, R.N., F.E.S. ; the late John Walton, F.L.S. ; C. O. Water- house of the British Museum ; Robert Wigham formerly of Norwich ; Simon Wilkin, F.L.S., formerly of Norwich ; the late T. V. Wollaston, F.L.S. ; the Rev. Theodore Wood, F.E.S. CICINDELIDjE Notiophilina {continued) Cicindela campestris, L. Notiophilus aquaticus, L. — maritima, Dej. — palustris, Duft. — rufipes, Curt. Sparham (Norgate) ; CARABIDiE Hunstanton (Fowler) Cychrina Nebriina Cychrus rostratus, L. Leistus spinibarbis, F. Carabina — ftilvibarbis, Dej. Carabus catenulatus, Scop. — ferrugineus, L. — nemoralis, Mull. — rufescens, F. violaceus L. Nebria livida, F. Cromer (Thouless) ; — dathratus, L. Halvergate (Haworth Gimingham (Butler) ; Happiiburgh /^f Stephens) ; Burgh Mar5hes{?&gtt); (Wood) Bungay (Garneys) — brevicollis, F. — granulatus, L. Elaphrina — monilis, F. Blethisa multipunctata, L. Bardolph Fen — arvensis, F. Norfolk (Bridgman) (Burrell) ; Horning, Hethersett (Cur- Calosoma inquisitor, L. St. Faiths Wood, tis) ; Norwich, before 1829 (Wig- before 1830 (J. Hooker) ham) ; Yarmouth (Paget) — sycophanta, L. Norwich (Stephens) Elaphrus riparius, L. Notiophilina — cupreus, Duft. Notiophilus biguttatus, F. Loricerina — substriatus, Wat. Loricera pilicornis, F. — 4-punctatus, Dej. Cromer, Yarmouth Scaritina (Thouless) Clivina fossor, L. 114