Page:VCH Norfolk 1.djvu/180

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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK Surlingharriy Hoveton, Horning, Ran- worth, Cawston, IVormegay ; confined to the fens and marshes, but in them sometimes common Agrophila sulphuralis, Sch. Merton, Didling- ton, Croxton, Thetford, Brandon ; plen- tiful in the * Breck ' district among Convolvulus arvensis, not only in this county, but in Suffolk and Cambridge- shire. Very rare elsewhere in the British Isles Erastria fuscula, Sch. St. Faiths, near Nor- wich, Merton, Foulsham, Foxley ; in woods, usually of fir Bryophila glandifera, Sch. Lord Walsingham has recorded the capture of a single specimen on the Merton estate — perla, Sch. Abundant everywhere on walls Phytometra jenea, Sch. Merton, Holt Heath, Cawston, IVootton, Lynn, Horsford ; not very common Anarta myrtilli, Linn. Generally distributed on heaths Sarrothripa revayana, Sch. Merton, Croxton, Felbrigge, Horsford, Cawston, Lynn ; in woods, scarce Gonoptera libatrix, Linn. Generally com- mon Ophiodes lunaris, Sch. A single specimen of this, one of the rarest of British species, was captured at Might' at Strat- ton Strawless, in 1878, by Dr. F. D. Wheeler Catocala fraxini, Linn. Lord Walsingham has recorded the capture of a specimen of this noble species at Holkham ; and the Rev. T. H. Marsh of another at Cawston. Dr. Paget noted the occur- rence of an example at Yarmouth, and another has been taken at Hunstanton. The capture by Dr. E. W. Carlier of a fine specimen near Norwich, in 1 894, was rendered less satisfactory by the discovery that two specimens reared that season in Norwich from foreign larvae had accidentally escaped — nupta, Linn. Generally distributed wherever willows abound — promissa, Sch. Foxley, Foulsham, and once at Hethersett ; an exceedingly local species Euclidia mi, Linn. Widely distributed in meadows, but not common — glyphica, Linn, jlldeby, Merton, Caws- ton, Heydon, Horning, Neatishead ; not common Aventia flexula. Fab. Norwich, Chedgrave, Merton, Thetford, Neatishead, Hingham, and the Lynn district ; very uncommon Herminia barbalis, Linn. Foulsham, Cawston., Horning, Denton, Castle Rising, Lynn — tarsipennalis, Tr. Generally distributed — grisealis, Sch. Widely distributed ; not very common — cribralis, Hb. Ranworth, Horning, Lynn, Merton, Aldeby, Diss ; very local in fens and marshes Hypenodes albistrigalis. Haw. Aldeby, Mer- ton, Ranworth ; usually in fens — cortaestrigalis, Steph. Merton, Cawston, Horning, Ranworth ; scarce ; more fre- quent on the boggy heaths near Lynn Schrankia turfosalis, Wock. Very abundant at Wootton, Bawsey and elsewhere on boggy heaths in the Lynn district Hypena rostralis, Linn. Norwich, Aldeby, Thetford, Horning, Lynn ; not very common Rivula sericealis, Sch. Widely distributed in marshes and damp woods Brephos parthenias, Linn. Thetford, Neatis- head, heaths near Lynn ; very local — notha, Hb. Has been taken at Horsford near Norwich Ourapteryx sambucata, Linn. Common generally Angerona prunaria, Linn. Aldeby, Denton, Foxley, Foulsham, Lynn ; in large woods Venilia maculata, Linn. Merton, Havering- land, Cawston, Horning ; very local Cabera pusaria, Linn. Mr. Atmore has suc- ceeded in uniting this species with its variety rotundaria by rearing both Bapta temerata, Sch. Norwich, Ketteringham, Merton, Yarmouth, Neatishead, Cawston, Lynn ; not very common — taminata, Sch. Norwich, Merton, Thet- ford, Cawston, Sheringham, Lynn ; most frequent in West Norfolk, and in cer- tain seasons abundant Macaria liturata, Linn. Generally distri- buted in woods of Scotch fir Panagra petraria, Hb. Generally common among brake-fern on heaths ; a singu- larly pale variety has been found in Ranworth fen Strenia clathrata, Linn. Generally distri- buted, and common in clover fields ; variable in colour in this county Fidonia piniaria, Linn. Abundant in all woods of Scotch fir Numeria pulveraria, Linn. Cawston, Foul- sham, Hingham Aspilates strigillaria, Hb. Horning ; scarce — citraria, Hb. Norwich, Merton, Thetford, Brandon, Hunstanton, Snettisham ; com- mon in open fields in the ' Breck ' district 148