Page:VCH Norfolk 1.djvu/82

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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK identified in this division). On the drier parts of these heaths grow Antennaria d'toica, Radiola I'lnoidei and T'dlcea muscasa ; and in the wetter portions are Hypericum e/odes, Limosella aquatica, Drosera anglicOy D. rotundifolia and D. intermedia^ but no hybrid between the two first of these species, as noticed in the Eastern Division, has been observed. Malaxii paludoia has certainly occurred, but not recently [Liparis Leese/ii is absent from this Division), and in two stations about twelve miles apart (one of them just within the *£' division) Goodyera repens has been found, in one case in very small quantity, but in the other well established, having been noticed for many years. This plant has probably been brought with the fir trees among which it grows. Both woods were planted somewhere about the beginning of the nineteenth century, but no record can be obtained to show whence the trees came. In the neighbourhood of North Walsham Sedum rupestre occupies hedgebanks for a distance of several miles ; it behaves as if wild, but rarely flowers, increasing rapidly by its shoots. Lythrum Hysiopifolia was formerly to be found in one locality near Norwich which is now converted into building land. On some of the newly-reclaimed marshes near Wells Phragmites communis has adopted a creeping habit, recumbent stems have been measured over ten feet in length. Glyceria Borreri has also been found in that neighbourhood. Pinm sylvestris has become naturalized, plantations having been formed. As the trees have matured and seeded freely, woods of young firs have grown up to leeward on suitable heathy soil, and what the writer can remember as open common is now well clothed with firs. List of Species and Varieties worth noting in the North-Central Division Thalictrum collinum, Wallr. Anemone Pulsatilla, Linn. Ranunculus confusus (Godr.) R. parvulus, Linn. Glaucium flavum, Crantz Fumaria densiflora, DC. Lepidium Draba, Linn. Crambe maritima, Linn Cakile maritima, Scop. Reseda lutea, Linn. Viola hirta, Linn. Frankenia loevis, Lin». Dianthus deltoides, Linn. Saponaria Faccaria, Linn. Silene puberula, Syme S. maritima, With. S. conica, Linn. Cerastium arvense, Linn. Sagina maritima, Don. S. subulata, Presl. Hypericum hircinum, Linn. H. dubium. Leers. H. hirsutum, Linn. H. elodes, Linn. Radiola linoides. Roth. Linum angustifolium, Huds. L. usitatissimum, Linn. Geranium lucidum, Linn. Erodium chaerophyllum {Cav.). E. moschatum, UHerit. Euonymus europaeus, Linn. Rhamnus catharticus, Linn. Genista anglica, Linn. Trigonella purpurascens, Lam. Medicago sylvestris, Fr. Melilotus officinalis. Lam. M. arvensii, Wallr. Trifolium striatum, Linn. T. fragiferum, Linn. Vicia gemella, Crantz V. angustifolia, Linn. Alchemilla vulgaris, Linn. Poterium officinale, Hook.fil. Tilla:a muscosa, Linn. Sedum album, Linn. S. rupestre, Linn. Drosera rotundifolia, Linn. D. anglica, Huds. D. intermedia, Hayne Myriophyllum pectinatum {DC.) Lythrum Hyssopifolia, Linn. Epilobium roseum, Schreb. Eryngium maritimum, Linn. CEnanthe Lachenalii, C. Gmel. Viburnum Lantana, Linn. Galium anglicum, Huds. Asperula cynanchica, Linn. A. arvensis, Linn. Filago apiculata, G. E. Sm. F. spathulata, Presl. Antennaria dioica, R. Br. Gnaphalium luteo-albura, Linn. Inula Conyza, DC. Pulicaria vulgaris, Gartn. Anthemis nobilis, Linn. Artemisia maritima, Linn. A. „ V. gallica {Willd.). Senecio erucifolius, Linn. Carlina vulgaris, Linn. Arctium majus, Bemh. Carduus pycnocephalus, Linn. Cnicus pratensis, Willd. Onopordon Acanthium, Linn. Centaurea decipiens, Thuill. C. Cyan us, Linn. C. Calcitrapa, Linn. Crepis taraxacifolia, Thuill. C. setosa, Hall.fil. C. nicaeensis. Bait. C. biennis, Linn. Hyporha:ris maculata, Linn. LeonCodon hirtus, Linn. 50