A HISTORY OF NORFOLK In TuRVERTUNA [Thurlton] i freeman (with) 20 acres and half a plough and I acre of meadow, and he is worth 2 shillings. In the same, 2 freemen, lO acres and 2 bordars, and half a plough and I acre of meadow, and they are worth 1 6 pence. In Turvertuna [Thurlton] I free[man] belonging to the predecessor of Ralf de Bellofago, and he has 8 acres and is worth 12 pence. f. X43. II.— LANDS OF THE BISHOP OF BAYEUX The Hundret and Half of Fredrebruge [Freebridge] In ToRP [Thorpe (Gayton)] 2 freemen T.R.E. with 60 acres of land ; then as now I villein and i bordar, and I acre of meadow; then as now I plough ; and they are worth 6 shillings and 8 pence. One of these men was commended only to the predecessor of Roger Bigot. This all belongs {jacet) to Nestesham [Snettisham]. All Torp [Thorpe (Gayton)] is 8 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth, and pays 8 pence in a geld of 20 shillings. Grimestuna [Grimston] was held by Stigand T.R.E. (as) 3 ploughlands. Then 16 villeins, afterwards and now 8 ; then as now 1 3 bordars ; then I serf, 28 acres of meadow. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now I. Then I plough belonging to the men, afterwards and now half (a plough) and 3 mills ; then as now 1 rouncey. Then 3 beasts, now 4 ; then as now 60 sheep. Here belong [jacent] 14 soke- men with i ploughland, then as now I plough. Then and afierwards it was worth 1 00 shillings, now 7 pounds. All Grimestuna [Grimston] is i leagues in length and in breadth, and pays 2 shillings in a geld of 20 shillings. Herpelai [Harpley] was held by Stigand T.R.E. for I outlying estate in Snesham [Snet- tisham], 2 ploughlands; then as now 2 villeins and 9 bordars. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, now I ; and 5 sokemen (with) 1 2 acres of land. Then 2 ploughs belonging to the men, now i. Then it was worth 40 shillings, now 80. This Hugh de Portu holds. Snettesham [Snettisham] was held by Stigand T.R.E. (for) 8 ploughlands; then as now 20 f. 143b. villeins and 12 bordars. Then 6 serfs, after- wards and now 3, and 30 acres of meadow. Then 4 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now 2. Then 6 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 4, and 5 mills and I saltpan, and I fishery; wood(land) for 100 swine; then as now 4 rounceys and 38 swine and 440 sheep. And 6 sokemen (with) 2 ploughlands and 10 villeins, and 6 bordars, and I serf, and 10 acres of meadow, and half a mill and i fishery. And in Scernebruna [Shernborne] 1 sokeman (with) 5 acres. To this manor be- longs [jacet] I outlying estate, Flicham [Flit- cham], (of) "jh ploughlands ; then as now 18 villeins and 14 bordars and 3 serfs and 8 sokemen and 4 mills. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now 2 ; then as now 5 ploughs belonging to the men. There belongs also i outlying estate, Nil'Etuna [New- ton, (West)], i^ ploughlands and 6 villeins and 3 bordars and 2 serfs, and 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men, and 20 acres of meadow, and 2 soke- men (with) 1 6 acres of land and half a plough ; then as now I rouncey and 7 sheep. And in addition [adhuc] I outlying estate, Risinga [Rising, (Castle)], 3 ploughlands ; then as now 12 villeins and 38 bordars; then 4 serfs, now 3, and 14 acres of meadow ; then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 2 ploughs belong- ing to the men, and 7 sokemen (with) 24 acres of land ; then as now I plough, and 3 mills, and 12 saltpans, and I fishery. And 3 sokemen (with) 60 acres of land; then as now i plough, and i soke- man (with) 60 acres and i plough, and 26 bordars and I plough and 8 acres of meadow, and i mill and I saltpan. And in Reiduna [Roydon] I sokeman (with) i ploughland; then as now 25 bordars and 2 serfs and 6 acres of mea- dow, and I plough on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men, and 2 saltpans. And 8 sokemen (with) 2 ploughlands, and 16 acres and 5 bordars and 2 ploughs and i^ saltpans. The whole was worth T.R.E. 50 pounds, after- wards and now 80 pounds and lOO shillings. The whole is 2^^ leagues in length and half a league in breadth whoever holds there, and pays 4 shillings in 20 shillings for the king's geld. f- 143 Hundret of Dochinge [Docking] 68 Dochinge [Docking] was held (as) i plough- land by I freeman under Stigand ; then as now half a plough, 3 bordars. This is in the valua- tion of Snetesham [Snettisham]. In Stanho [Stanhoe] (were) 12 freemen under Stigand T.R.E. ; then 4 ploughlands, and 4 ploughs then, afterwards and now 3. In Stofsta [Tofts (Bircham)] 4 ploughlands were held by i free- man under Stigand T.R.E., 2 ploughs on the demesne then, and afterwards and now i ; then as now 8 villeins and 5 bordars. This is in the valuation of Snetesham [Snettisham]. All this Stofsta [Tofts (Bircham)] is i league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth and pays 10 pence in 20 shillings for geld. And the whole of Stanho [Stanhoe] is I league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth, and pays 14 pence and 1 halfpenny in 20 shillings for geld.
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