Page:VCH Norfolk 2.djvu/136

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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK Alwin held T.R.E. Then 5 bordars, now 6 ; then as now 2 serfs, wood(land) for 12 swine and 4 acres of meadow ; then as now i plough on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men ; then as now 2 rounceys and 8 beasts and 6 swine and 20 sheep and 16 goats and 2 hives of bees. And I sokeman and a half (with) 2 7 acres. Then it was worth 20 shillings, now 25. HUNDRET AND HaLF OF MiTTEFORD [MiDFORD] In Jachesham [Yaxham] Ranulf son of Walter holds 30 acres of land which Aldui the priest a freeman held T.R.E., and 8 bordars, then as now I plough, wood(land) for 5 swine, and 4 acres of meadow, and it is worth 10 shillings ; and it is 7 furlongs in length and 5 in breadth and (pays) 20 pence for geld. Hundret of Galgou [Gallow] Kreich [Creake, (North)] is held by Turstin son of Guy (as) 4 ploughlands which Kochaga held T.R.E. Then as now 6 villeins and 14 bordars and 10 serfs. Then 4 ploughs on the demesne, and afterwards ; now 3. Then 3 ploughs be- longing to the men, now 2, and they could [potscnt) be restored. Wood(land) for 20 swine, 6 acres of meadow. Then as now I rouncey. Then 18 swine, now 13. Then 320 sheep, now 264 ; and 25 sokemen with one ploughland. Then 7 ploughs, now 5. Then it was worth 4 pounds, now 6. Hundret of Brodercros [Brothercross] InBRUNEHAM [Burnham (Thorpe ')] Humfrey de Cuelai holds I ploughland which Kochagana held T.R.E. Then 2 villeins and now (the same). Then as now lO bordars. Then 2 serfs, now I. Then as now on the demesne I plough. Then 2 ploughs belonging to the men, now I, but (the other) can be restored. Now 40 sheep. Then it was worth 20 shillings, now 16 shillings. Hundret of Grenehoga [Greenhoe, (North)] In Guervelei [Quarles] Turstin son of Guy holds I outlying estate which belongs to 1 ploughland at Creic [Creake, (North)]: 5 bordars, then as now i plough ; and it is in the valuation of Crehic [Creake, (North)]. Dalliga [Dalling, (Field)] was held by Alsi and Lefstan a freeman, T.R.E., (then by) God' and Rob[ert],^ now by R[oger] the sheriff; 2 ploughlands ; and this the same {ipse) Roger re- claims in exchange for that land which the king gave to Isaac ; I villein and 3 bordars ; 6 soke- men (with) 1 8 acres of land, 7 acres of meadow. ' Burnham Thorpe was held with North Creake of the Earl Marshal in 1302. Feud. Aids, iii, 405. ' God' and Rob' interlined above Alsi, probably signifying later tenants. On the whole, then as now 3 ploughs, and f. 179b. then it was worth 30 shillings, now 40 shillings. Hundret of North Erpingeham [North Erpingham] Haganworda [Hanworth] was held by i free- man, Withri, T.R.E. ; now R[oger] Bigot holds it : 4 ploughlands ; then as now 1 1 villeins and 30 bordars. Then and afterwards 2 serfs, and now I. Then 4 ploughs on the demesne, and afterwards 2, and now 3, and then as now 5 ploughs belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 60 swine, 6 acres of meadow. Then and afterwards I mill ; now 2. Then i rouncey and now 5. Then 14 beasts and now 24. Then 7 swine, then 7 swine {sic and now 40. Then 11 sheep, now 105. Then 30 goats, now 26. Then 7 hives of bees, and now 8. To this belongs [adjacet) I outlying estate, Roftuna [Roughton], I ploughland; then as now 2 villeins and 8" bordars and I serf ; then as now I plough on the demesne, and i^ ploughs belonging to the men, 3 acres of meadow. In Alabei [Alby] 1 villein, and 3 in Sut- STEDE [Sustead] and I bordar belonging to [de) the manor aforesaid. In Ingewrda [Ingworth] I villein whom Tocho of Winterton held ; and this the predecessor of R[oger] added to this manor. In Aldeburc [Aldborough] 1 bordar whom Ulstan held T.R.E. was added in like manner. In Turgatune [Thurgarton] (are) 2 bordars belonging to the manor. In Cilatorp [Cal- thorpe] I villein whom Godwin of Scotohou [Scottow] held was added in like manner : and these three that were added hold 36 acres of land. The whole of this was worth T.R.E. 4 pounds, and afterwards 60 shillings, and now 6 pounds : and the manor is 8 furlongs in length and 5^ in breadth, and (pays) for geld 9 pence and a halfpenny. And that Withri had sac and soke upon this land, and the king and earl the 6 forfeitures. Hundret of Hapinga [Happing] Suttuna [Sutton] was held by Edric de Laxe- felda T.R.E. ; 3^^ ploughlands ; then as now 6 villeins and 17 bordars, and 2 ploughs on the demesne and 3 ploughs belonging to the men, wood(land) for 60 swine, 39 acres of meadow, half a saltpan, and 2 rounceys. Then 23 un- broken {silvatice) mares, now 7. Then 13 beasts, now 22 ; then 9 swine, now 23. Then 180 sheep, now 200 ; and 4 hives of bees. And 2 sokemen with 12^ acres ; I church and 10 acres. To this manor belongs I outlying estate, Catefelda [Catfield] (of) i ploughland. 102