HOLDERS OF LANDS 8 villeins, lo bordars, 8 acres of meadow, 3 ploughs, wood(land) for 100 swine, i mill. This belongs to [Jacet in) Derham [Dereham (East)] with all custom, 'and (is included) in (its) valuation.' The soke is in the king's (manor of) Muleha[m] [Mileham] as to {de) 2 sokemen who have 24 acres and 4 acres of meadow, wood(land) for 4 swine, half a plough. It is worth 4 shillings. The abbot had the commendation ^ and the fold-soke {socam falde). MiTTEFORT [MiDFORD] HuNDRET AND A Half Derham [Dereham, (East)] was held then as now by St. Etheldreda '(for) 5 plough lands.' Then (there were) 20 villeins, now 16. Then 20 bordars, now 25 and 2 serfs. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, now 3. Then 8 ploughs be- longing to the men, now 7. Then wood(land) for 600 swine, now 300. Then as now 3 mills, 3 rounceys, 12 beasts, 20 swine, 100 sheep, 7 sokemen (with) 30 acres (and) 2 acres of meadow, 3 acres of wood(land). It was then worth 10 pounds, now 13. It is i league in length and a half in breadth, and (renders) 15 pence of geld. The whole soke of this hundret and a half belonged to {ad) St. Ethel- dreda T.R.E., and it is worth 60 shillings. Torp [ ^] was held then as now by St. Etheldreda (for) 3 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 10 villeins (and) 20 bordars : now 4 serfs. Then i plough on the demesne, now 2. Then as now '] ploughs belonging to the men. Then wood(land) for 800 swine, now 600 ; 8 acres of meadow. Then as now I mill, f. 314b. 2 rounceys, 1 1 beasts, 27 swine, 97 sheep, 38 goats, and 12 sokemen (with) 40 acres. Then as now 5 ploughs, 1 2 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for 12 swine. It was then worth 60 shil- lings, now 1 1 pounds. And it is I league in length and i league in breadth, and (renders) 15 pence in geld, and upon (super) all the soke- men of these two manors is charged 15 pence." Cavelea [Cavelly ^] is held of the abbot by Berner, which St. Etheldreda held T.R.E. (as) I ploughland. Then as now (there were) 4 villeins, 1 1 bordars, I plough on the demesne, half a plough belonging to the men, and there might be a whole one [tota potest fieri). Wood (land) for 20 swine, 20 acres of meadow. Now I rouncey, 4 beasts, 5 swine : 5 sokemen (with) 20 acres. It is worth 20 shillings. It is 4 fur- longs in length and 4 in breadth, and (renders) ' /. E. omits. ^ I.E. adds ' only .' ' /. E. omits. ' Possibly Flockthorpe in Hardingham. (See how- ever f. 122). Blomefield (x, 433) suggests part of Shipdham, where the bishop of Ely subsequently held land otherwise unaccounted for in Domesday ; Feud. Aids, iii, 480. ' /. E. adds ' of geld.' ' In Southburgh. 2 137 5 pence of geld. Godric claims this land as of (ai) the fief of Earl R[alf], because he held it before he suffered forfeiture {antequam forifas- ceret), and this the hundret witnesses. In Dodenham [Tuddenham, (North)'] (is) i sokeman of St. Etheldreda (with) 2 ' ploughlands, 7 bordars, i mill ' waste [vas')," 3 acres of meadow. Then as now i| ploughs. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 12. Ralf de Bellafago "^ holds it of the abbot. In Mateshala [Mattishall] (are) 8 sokemen (with) 30 acres. Then 2 ploughs, now i ; 8 acres of meadow. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 13 (shillings) and 8 pence. In Torp [ ] and in Turstuna [Thuxton] and in Iachesha[m] [Yaxham] (are) 5 sokemen of St. Etheldreda (with) 50 acres. Then as now I plough. It is worth 8 shillings." In Iachesham [Yaxham] (are) 14 sokemen (with) 90 acres. Then as now 2 ploughs, 4 acres of meadow. It is worth 20 shillings. Roger Bigot holds of the abbot, but he formerly held of the king.'^ Hundret of Brodescros [Brothercross] In Brunestor [Burnham Thorpe ?] (is) I sokeman and half a ploughland. Then as now 8 bordars and i plough on the demesne and I plough belonging to the men, 3 acres of meadow, i mill. The half is worth 10 shillings {vai' d' X. soiy^ Heinesteda [Henstead] " Hundret (and) A Half PuLLAHAM [Pulham] was held by St. Ethel- dreda T.R.E. for 15 ploughlands. Then as now 60 villeins, 25 bordars, 7 serfs, 3 ploughs on the demesne. Then 20 ploughs belonging to the men, now 16, 16 acres of meadow. Then wood(land) for 600 swine, now 300, and I mill, 3 rounceys, 11 beasts, 40 swine, 50 sheep, 40 goats, 4 hives of bees. It was then worth 8 pounds, now 15. It is 2 leagues in length and I league in breadth and (renders) 30 pence of geld. In P[ri]lestuna [Pirleston '*] a freeman '^ held I ploughland under St. Etheldreda T.R.E. Now Roger de Rames {de Ramis) holds it of the ' A fee in Mattishall and North Tuddenham was held of the church of Ely in 1302; Feud. Jids,u, ^z'^. ^ I.E. 1. 'I.E. omits. '° /. E. ' Belfou,' and applies this entry to the follow- ing paragraph. " /. E. adds ' Berner the Arblaster holds this of the abbot.' " /. E. adds ' The abbot recovered (disracionavit) them before the bishop of Cout.inces.' '^ /. E. ' Then as now it was worth 20 shillings.' " This should be Earsham as it is in I.E. '* Now Billingford. '" /. E. adds ' Alsi.' 18