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Page:VCH Norfolk 2.djvu/57

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DOMESDAY SURVEY every hundred was a market town. Ellis, by a strange mistranslation, adds a market in Colney.^ The human live stock of the Domesday manor in Norfolk is divided into the usual three classes of villeins, bordars, and serfs.^ They differ from the freemen and sokemen in being reckoned as appurtenant to the estate, with the ploughs and the cattle. To specify the exact extent of the servitude of these three classes would be very difficult, but we may regard them all as, in a sense, adscript! glebed, and all dependent for such rights as they possess on the manor court. The villeins at least have their virgates or half vir- gates of land and their oxen ; the bordars may be supposed to have their cottages and curtilages.^ Of the serfs we know next to nothing, but we seem to trace some numerical connexion between them and the plough-teams, and we know that they were slaves in a sense in which the others were not. As the effect of the Conquest on the relative numbers of these three classes is so decidedly marked in Essex,* it may be worth while to set out the pre-Conquest and post-Conquest ' states ' of a few manors in Norfolk also. In many cases there is no change recorded, so that the selection of instances is a little difficult. ROYAL MANORS J Southmere

  • Saham Toney

9 1066 . . 1086 . . v. 21 19 B. S. 2 6 . 2 6 .


Demesnt Tcims • 3 . 2


Teams . . I . . I 1066 . 1086 . . E v. B. S. 43 I . . 4 II I . .


Jemesne Teams I 2 Men's Teams . . 12 • • 3 1066 . . 1086 . . 60 60 181 . 29 . I . I • • 15 . . 20 1066 . . 1086 . . 26 24 . . 26 17 . . I I . . 10 • • 7 EARL RALF'S MANORS

  • Sporle

Kimberley 1066 . . 1086 . . v. 20 B. S. 2 . 3 6 . Cantley D.T. I • 4 M.T. . . 10 • • 3 1066 . . io85 . . v. B. S. 10 8 4 . . 14 12 4 . . Redenhall D.T. 2 2 M.T. . . 8 . . 8 1066 . 1086 . . v. 4 4 B. S. 33 4 • 42 2 . D.T. • 3 . 2 M.T. . . 8 . . 8 CHURCH 1066 . . 1086 . . LANDS v. B. s. 30 6 4 . . ID 6 I . . D.T. 2 2 M.T. . . 6 . . 21 Sedgeford ^ Beighton ' 1066 . . 1086 . . v. 15 5 B. S. 39 5 • 39 5 . D.T.

. M.T. • • 5 • • 5 1066 . . 1086 . . V. B. S. 40 . . 29 . . D.T. 2 2 M.T. • • 5 Feltwell ^ LODDON ' 1066 . . 1086 . . V, 40 28 B. S. 5 14 . 10 12 . D.T. • 5 . 4^ M.T. . . 6 • • 3 1066 . . 1086 . . v. B. S. 380.. 3 16 . . D.T. 2 3 M.T. . . 2 . . I ' Dom. Bk. ' A bordar « v. C. H. . 'Ely. , f. 204^. in Beckham had I Essex, i, 360 sq. ' On these classes cf. Maitland acre, Dom. Bk. f. 128. ' • signifies King Edward's ' Inq. Elien. 5. ,, Dom. Bk. and Bey on J, 26- Lands. « Th< 'St. -66. I Bishop. EdmunJs. 27