HOLDERS OF LANDS now I plough on the demesne ; then as now I plough belonging to the men ; wood(land) for 4 swine, (and) 2 acres of meadow (and) 2 swine (and) 24 sheep. This all belongs to Castune [Cawston]. In ScARTUNE [Sharrington] (there are) 8 soke- men and 6 bordars which belong {quod pertinet) to Holt, and these plough 2 plough(lands) [hi arant 2 car'). Then it was worth 20 shillings T.R.E. now 40 shillings. HUNDRET OF GrENEHOU [GrEENHOE, (NoRTh)] WiSTUNE [Wighton] was held by King Edward as 12 ploughlands. (There were) 26 vil- leins then as {ei) now : then 24 bordars, now 1 7 ; then and now i plough on the demesne ; then 10 ploughs belonging to the men, and after- wards and now 7 : wood(land) for 20 swine, 8 acres of meadow; i mill, then as now i rouncey, now 20 swine, (there were) none when the manor was received [gri recepit nullus) : now 180 sheep. Then (there were) 19 sokemen ; then as now 45 acres of land. Then as now 4 ploughs and i mill (and) 3 bordars. Then it f. 113. was worth 10 pounds and 6| quarts (sextarlos) of honey and 41 shillings of customary due : now 23 pounds by weight, and it is {habel) 1 league in length and I in breadth and renders 7 pence for geld, HOHTTUNE [Houghton (St. Giles)] i outlying estate (so called) belongs {jacet) to this manor (con- taining) 4 ploughlands : then as now (there were) 5 villeins and 5 bordars ; then as now i plough on the demesne ; then 3 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 2 ; pasture for 1,000 sheep, 3 acres of meadow, 2 mills ; and it is half a league in length and half in breadth, and renders 4 pence for geld. Holcham [Holkham] an outlying estate belongs to [jacet) this manor (and has) 3 ploughlands ; but it is waste, and 3 ploughs could be (employed) there. HuERUELEs [Quarles ^] (is) another outlying estate which belongs to this manor, of half a ploughland, but there is nothing there ; but i plough could be (employed) there {posset ihi esse) : and it is 4 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth and (renders) 6 pence for geld. And Egemere [Egmere] (is) another outlying estate of half a ploughland and there is nothing else there, but i plough could be (employed) : and it is half a league in length and half in breadth and renders 6 pence for geld. In Guelle [Wells] and in Guarham [Warham] (is) i ploughland, but I plough could be (employed). ' ' Eggemere cum Quarlis' in North Greenhoe ; Norf. Arch. Soc. xii, 281 ; Blomefield, ix, 247. And in Stivekai [Stiffkey] (there is) half a ploughland. And in Hindringaham [Hindring- ham] half a ploughland, but I plough could be (employed). Galsincaham [Walsingham] was held by Harold T.R.E. as 3 ploughlands (as) an outlying estate of Faganham [Fakenham] : then and afterwards 13 villeins and now 6 ; then and afterwards 7 bordars, now 5. Then as now I plough on the demesne. Then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men ; wood(land) for 10 swine, li acres of meadow, 2 mills ; then as now 2 rounceys ; then as now 5 beasts ; then 12 swine, now 14 ; then 24 sheep, now 40, and 9 sokemen with i ploughland belong to {jacent) this manor (and) 2 bordars, half an acre of meadow and half a mill ; then (there were) 3 ploughs, and afterwards and now 2. All this has been valued in Facenham [Fakenham]. In Holcham [Holkham] (is) i ploughland which Alwin a freeman held T.R.E. and it f. 113b. belongs to Guistune [Wighton] (with) 3 bor- dars and 7 sokemen. Then and always 2 ploughs (divided) between all (the villeins) and the man {ilium) who has the land. In Dallinga [Calling, (Field)] Unspac held i ploughland T.R.E. and it is an outlying estate in Holt (with) 1 1 bordars ; then as now 2 serfs, (and) 6 acres of meadow. Then as now i plough on the demesne, and then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men ; 8 sokemen with {de) 24 acres of land (and) 4 acres of meadow. Then as now i plough ; then and after i horse ; then as now 3 beasts and 8 swine (pors), 20 sheep. Then it was worth 10 shillings, now 4 pounds. And it is half a league in length and half in breadth, and (renders) for geld 2 shil- lings. And in Guarham [Warham] is half a ploughland (and) I acre of meadow, and it is worth 2^ shillings. This all belongs to Holt. The soke and sac of the hundret of Grenehou [Greenhoe, (North)] belong to Westune [Wigh- ton] the king's manor, whoever may hold there, and the king and earl have it. Hundret of Walesham [Walsham] In Mothetuna [Moulton] (there are) 3 free- men (and) 37 acres of land and 4 J- acres of mea- dow and half a plough, and it is worth 2 shillings and 8 pence. In Bastwic [Bastwick, (Wood)] (there is) i freeman (and) 30 acres of land and 2 acres of meadow and half a plough, and it is worth 16 pence. And the hundred of Walesam [Walsham] renders 40 shillings to the king and 20 shillings to the earl, Hundret of Flecwest [West Flegg] In Marcham [Martham] 2 freemen, i (be- longing to) Gert, the other to Harold {Heroldi), in commendation with 60 acres of land and 43
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