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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK HUNDRET OF FeORHOU [FoREHOE] Chineburlai [Kimberley] was held by Hakene T.R.E. as 2 ploughlands. Then there were 10 villeins, now 14. Then 8 bordars, now 12 : then as now 4 serfs (;«/', sic ^) and then as now 2 ploughs ; but Godric received nothing but 5 oxen. Then as now 8 ploughs belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 10 swine. Then as now I mill and 1 2 acres of meadow ; then as now 8 swine and 20 sheep. Then 10 sokemen, now 17. Then 30 acres of land, now 40 ; then as now 2 ploughs. Then the whole was worth 60 shillings, now 7 pounds blanch ; and it is 5 furlongs in length and 3 in breadth, and (renders) 13 pence and I halfpenny for geld. Besides this there belong to this manor in Kasle- TUNA [Carleton (Forehoe)] 16 freemen (with) 60 acres of land (and) then as now 2 ploughs, and they are (included) in the valuation above ; and of these 9 were sokemen of Stigand T.R.E. ; but Earl Ralf had them all before he made forfeiture. BoETHORP [Bowthorpe] was held by Hakene T.R.E. for 2 ploughlands ; then (there were) 10 villeins, now 14; then as now 3 serfs, and f. I3ib. 2 ploughs on the demesne and 2 ploughs belong- ing to the men; woodland for 16 swine and 10 acres of meadow : then as now I mill and 7 swine and 16 sheep. To this manor belong 2 sokemen (with) 4 acres of land. The whole was worth 40 shillings, now 6 pounds blanch {albas) ; and it is 3 furlongs in breadth and 3 in length and (renders) 6 pence and i half- penny for geld. In Congrethorpe [Crownthorpe] T.R.E. Bondo a freeman held 20 acres of land : then as now I bordar, and it is (included) in the valua- tion above [in supenori pretio). In RuNHALA [Runhall] i ploughland was held by Hakene and 2 bordars and i sokeman and I mill. This is an outlying estate in SuATiNGA [Swathing -] and is in (that) survey. And to this outlying estate belong 7 freemen, 24 acres of land and half a plough, and it is (included) in the (same) valuation {pretio). HuNDRET OF MiTTEFORDA [MiDFORD] Cranaworda [Cranworth] was held by Ulf T.R.E. (as) 2 ploughlands. Then as now 13 villeins and 3 bordars. Then 2 serfs, now none. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 2 ploughs belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 200 swine, 8 acres of meadow. Then as now I mill, 2 beasts, 15 swine, 20 sheep, and 20 goats, and 14 sokemen with {de) 40 acres of land. Then as now 2 ploughs. Then it was ' See note ("), p. 49.

  • In Hardingham.

worth 1 00 shillings, now 10 pounds, and 10 shil- lings for a fine {de gersoma) ; and it is I league in length and half (a league) in breadth, and pays 1 5 pence for geld. In Suatinga [Swathing-] T.R.E. Hagan a freeman held 2 ploughlands. Then as now 2 villeins and 11 bordars and 4 serfs. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now half (a plough), and the whole number {tote) could be restored. Then 2 ploughs belonging to the men, now i, and the other could {possent) be restored. Then wood(land) for 60 swine, now for 40 ; 5 acres of meadow, 2 mills. Then and now 30 swine and 30 sheep and 6 goats. To this manor belong 13 sokemen ; 5 dwell in the same vill, and in Thustuna [Thuxton] 4, and in Turstanestuna [? Thuxton^] 4. Among them all {inter totum) they have I ploughland. Then 5 ploughs, now 3. Then it was worth 100 shillings, now 6 pounds and 13 shillings and 4 pence, and it is 7 furlongs in length and 6 in breadth whoever hold there, and (renders) 12 pence for geld. f. 132. Flokethorp [Flockthorpe *] was held by Hakena a freeman T.R.E. as 2 ploughlands. Then as now 12 villeins ; then 6 serfs, now 3, and 12 bordars. Then (there was) wood(land) for 60 swine, now for 40, and 10 acres of meadow, then as now i mill. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now 2, and I could be restored. Then 4 ploughs belonging to the men, now 5, and 12 swine and 26 sheep and 80 goats. To this manor belongs {jacet) I outlying estate (called) Mantatestona [ ] of 30 acres of land, then i plough ; and another outlying estate of 30 acres of land, then I plough, and 22 sokemen (with) I plough- land and 6 acres of meadow. Then 5 ploughs, now 3^. The whole was worth then 100 shil- lings, now 10 pounds blanch, and is I league in length and half (a league) in breadth, and (renders) 28 pence for geld. In Craneworda [Cranworth] and in Scipdham [Shipdham] 30 acres of land were held by I sokeman of Stou [Stow (Bedon)], and 8 acres of meadow (and) wood(land) for 3 swine, and it was worth 2 shillings and Robert Blund had them ; but Godric never had (them). HuNDRET OF BrODERCROSS [BrOTHERCROSs] Reineham [Rainham] which Ulviet held T.R.E. (is) 2 ploughlands. Then as now 1 1 bordars and 2 serfs. Then 2 ploughs, and afterwards half (a plough), now I. Then i plough belonging to the men, and afterwards half (a plough), now the same {similiter). Wood- (land) for 10 swine, 4 acres of meadow, I mill. ' ' Thurston ' was one of the old forms of Thuxton.

  • In Hardingham.