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HOLDERS OF LANDS wards and now nothing. Scotessam [Shotes- ham] T.R.E. was worth 30 shillings, after- wards and now 20 shillings, and all these freemen are worth 40 shillings, but T.R.E. Scotessam [Shotesham] was not in charge [non erat ad cemum). R[obert] Blund put it in charge {adcensavit). In AiETUNA [Eaton] i outlying estate (called) WisLiNGEHAM [Whitlingham] was held by Edric T.R.E. as 80 acres of land. Then as now 2 bordars. Then i plough on the demesne, afterwards and now half (a plough), (and) 4 acres of meadow. In Kerkebei [Kirby (Bedon)] 12 men follow- ing the fold of Edric, 80 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow. Then as now i^ ploughs on the demesne. f. 134b. In RoKELONDA [Roclcland (St. Mary)] (was) T.R.E. I freeman of Edric's in commendation with {de) 15 acres of land, and under him 5 free- men with 23 acres of land, 3 acres of meadow, and now as then half a plough. In Stoches [Stoke (Holy Cross)] (were) 2 sokemen of Edric's with {de) 30 acres of land and I acre of meadow : then as now half a plough. In Saiselingaham [Saxlingham (Nethergate)] (was) I sokeman of Edric's in commendation T.R.E. with 30 acres of land, i acre of meadow. Then as now half a plough. In Kerkebei [Kirby (Bedon)] i freeman of Edric's T.R.E., 30 acres of land and 2 bordars and 4 acres of meadow. Then as now half a plough. In Kerkebei [Kirby (Bedon)] i freeman of Edric's T.R.E. with 6 acres, and then as now 2 oxen. In WisiNLiNGAHAM [Whitlingham] i freeman of Edric's in commendation, and in Brambre- TUNA [Bramerton] 3, and in Rokelunda [Rock- land (St. Mary)] i ; of 4^ Edric had commenda- tion T.R.E., and Ulketel of li, and Alvred only (had) commendation of half (one freeman), after King William conquered England, and {sic) R[alf] held them all when he made forfeiture ; and afterwards Godric as the king's steward {in ministerium regis). This the hundred testifies. Now Aitard de Vals (holds them), and reclaims them for the fee {revocat ad feudum) of the bishop of Bayeux as of the tenure of Alvred his prede- cessor ; and the hundred does not support him [deficit ei), because they did not belong to his predecessor. All these (freemen) hold 40 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow. Then (there were) 2 ploughs and afterwards 2, now i^. In Treus [Trowse (with Newton)] (was) i sokeman of Archbishop Stigand's T.R.E. with 10^ acres of land. When R[alf] made forfei- ture he held him ; now Aitard de Vals reclaims him to the fee of the bishop of Bayeux from Alvred his predecessor, to whom he belonged in commendation only after that King W[illiam] came into the land of England {in anglicam ter- ram). (He) is in the valuation of those. In HoLVESTUNA [Holverstone] Aitard in like manner holds i half of a freeman (with) 8 acres f. las. of land and half an acre of meadow, and with {de) 6 men entire, and with 6 halves, whom Aitard reclaims for the fee of the bishop of Bayeux ; they were worth T.R.E. 10 shillings, when Godric received the stewardship {misterium) 36 shillings: now Aitard has 13 shillings and 8 pence. Newotona [Newton, (Trowse with)] was held by I freewoman under Stigand for I plough- land. Then as now 8 villeins and 8 bordars. Then as now i plough on the demesne. Then 4 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards i^, now 2 ploughs belonging to the men, and 40 acres of meadow : now 10 beasts. Then 2 swine, now 3, and 5 sheep. In Treus [Trowse] 6 sokemen belonging to this manor with 56 acres and 2 bordars and 5 acres of meadow and i mill. Then as now li ploughs. Then the whole was worth 20 shil- lings, afterwards and now 30 (shillings). This manor was in charge [fuit ad censum) under G[od- ric's] stewardship {in ministerium G.) for 30 shillings ; but G[odric] did not have them be- cause she ^ vouches the king to warranty. It is 4 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth, and (pays) 8 pence for geld. In Stokes [Stoke (Holy Cross)] 12 acres of land are held by I freeman. In Kerkebei [Kirby (Bedon)] 4 acres of land ; this belongs to Aietona [Eaton]. In Sasilingaham [Saxlingham (Nethergate)] I freeman of Harold's in commendation T.R.E. with 30 acres of land. Then as now 3 bordars. Then i plough on the demesne, now half, and I sokeman, (with) I acre of land. This land Godric the steward {dapifer) has kept {servavit) in the king's hand, but the land does not pay rent {censum) to him. Half Hundret of Hersam [Earsham] Radanahalla [Redenhall] was held by Rada a freeman of Edric's in commendation T.R.E. as 2 ploughlands. Then 30 villeins, afterwards and now 10. Then as now 6 bordars. Then 4 serfs, afterwards 2, and now I. Then as now ' Ipsa, i.e. the freewoman who held Trowse with Newton. 53