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HOLDERS OF LANDS HUNDRET OF FlEC [VVesT FlEGG] SoMERTUNA [Somerton] was held by Archisti, I freeman with I ploughland.^ Then as now 12 villeins and 1 1 bordars and 6J acres of meadow, and i^ saltpans. Then as now I plough on the demesne and i^ ploughs belonging to the men, and then as now 3 rounceys ; then 8 beasts and always, and 145 sheep and 2 hives of bees. In addition there are there 1 9 sokemen and i ploughland and 3 ploughs. Then as now it was worth 20 shillings. And this land W[illiam] de Noiers holds in the farm of Meleham [Mileham], and the soke is in the hundret, and he (the freeman) could sell it with- out licence of Stigand. Richard Punant put it in charge {adcensavit). Hundret of Heinest' [Henstead] Hameringahala [Arminghall] (is) i out- lying estate of i ploughland belonging to Torp [Thorpe]. Then 6 villeins, afterwards and now 8. Then 2 serfs, now none. Then as f. 138b. now 3 bordars. Then i ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now I. Then 4 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 2. Wood(land) for 8 swine and 12 acres of meadow. Then I mill, afterwards and now none, because Eudo Clamahoc withdrew {ahstulit) it in the time of King William ; now R[alf] de Belfago his successor holds it, as the hundret witnesses : and it renders 24 shillings. In the outlying estate are 4 sokemen with 20 acres of land. Then as now I plough. It is 5 furlongs in length and 3 in breadth, and (pays) for geld 8 pence. Half Hundret of Hersam [Earsham] Hersam [Earsham] was held by Stigand T.R.E. for 3 ploughlands. Then and after 21 villeins, now 25. Then as now 24 bordars, and then as now 5 serfs. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now 2. Then 16 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 12. Then woodland for 300 swine, afterwards and now 200 ; 20 acres of meadow. Then as now 2 mills, and then as now 3 horses at the hall [in aula), and I beast. Then 40 swine, and now the same. Then as now 30 goats, and 1 1 sokemen with i ploughland and 4 bordars. Then 4 ploughs, afterwards and now 3. Wood- (land) for 40 swine, and 12 acres of meadow. Then it was worth 1 1 pounds, afterwards and now 40 pounds blanch, with all things that belong (.) It is i^ leagues in length and I league in breadth, and (pays) for geld 6 pence. In Dentuna [Denton] 12 sokemen. Of 9 of these Stigand had the soke in Ersam [Ear- ' More probably ' Archbishop Stigand [Jnhi' Sii') held I freeman.' sham], and they had 60 acres, and of 4 (sic) St. Edmund had the soke ^ and they had 40 acres, so that (qd') they could neither give nor sell their land away from the church {extra eccksiam), but Roger Bigot added them to Ersam [Earsham] on account of the custom, because the soke was in the hun- dret. Then as now 5 ploughs among them all. In Aldeberga [Alburgh] 1 5 freemen ; of 1 3 f- 139. the predecessor of Eudo, son of Spiruwic, had commendation, of 2 St. Edmund. Among them all 80 acres of land and 4 acres of meadow. Then as now among them all 5 ploughs ; and it is I league in length and 5 furlongs in breadth, and (pays) 10 pence for geld. But more (tenants) hold there. In Redanaha [Redenhali] 7 freemen of Stigand's by commendation T.R.E. with 60 acres of land and 2 bordars ; then 3 ploughs, afterwards and now 2. Wood(land) for 4 swine, and 2 acres of meadow. In Ste- restuna [Starston] 15 sokemen of Stigand's belonging to Ersam [Earsham] with the soke hold 80 acres of land and 2 acres of meadow and 6 bordars. Then as now 8 ploughs among them all. In the same (were) 15 sokemen, of whom St. Edmund had commendation T.R.E. ; but their land was entirely in the church, but the soke and sac in Hersam [Earsham], and R[oger] Bigot therefore annexed [addidit) them when he held the manor of Hersam [Earsham] in Stigand's time. Among them all 60 acres of land and I acre of meadow. Then as now 3 ploughs. In Riuessalla [Rushall] (were) 10 freemen of Stigand's T.R.E. with 60 acres and 3 bordars. Then as now 3 ploughs. Wood(land) for 6 swine, and 2 acres of meadow. In Torp [Thorpe (Abbots)] 20 freemen ; 2 were Stigand's by commendation, and they had 100 acres of land T.R.E., and 18 were St. Ed- mund's by commendation, and they could not give up (their land) {reddere) without leave of St. (Edmund's), but soke and sac were in Hersam [Earsham]. Then as now 6 ploughs among them all. Wood(land) for 4 swine and 4 acres of meadow. It is half a league in length and 5 furlongs in breadth, and (pays) for geld 6 pence. In Brodiso [Brockdish] 28 free- men, 5 of Stigand's with half a ploughland T.R.E. and 23 of St. Edmund's with 140 acres, but they could neither give nor sell without f. 139b- Stigand's leave, for he had the soke. Then among them all (were) 8 ploughs, now 7. Wood(land) for 12 swine, 6 acres of meadow. It is 7 fur- longs in length and 5 furlongs in breadth and 4 perches, and (pays) for geld 6 pence. The soke and sac of all these belonged to Stigand T.R.E. All these freemen used to render 40 shillings to Stigand T.R.E. ; but if ^ Perhaps for ' commendation,' see below. 65 9