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Page:VCH Northamptonshire 1.djvu/377

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HERE ARE ENTERED THE HOLDERS OF LANDS IN NORTHANTONESCIRE I King William II The bishop of Bayeux III The bishop of Durham nil The bishop of Coutances V The bishop of Lincoln VI VII The abbey of Peterborough The abbey of Westminster VIII The abbey of St. Edmund IX X XI The abbey of Ramsey The abbey of Thorney The abbey of Crowland XII XIII The abbey of Coventry The abbey of Evesham XIIII XV The abbey of Grestain The church of S. Remigius of Rheims XVI XVII Ansger the chaplain Lewin the priest, and other clerks XVIII The count of Moriton (Mortain) XIX The count of Mellent (Meulan) XX Count Alan (of Richmond) XXI Earl Aubrey XXII Earl Hugh (of Chester) XXIII Hugh de Grentemaisnil xxiiii Hugh de Juri (Ivry) XXV Henry de Ferieres XXVI Robert de Todeni XXVII Robert de Statford XXVIII Robert de Oilgi XXIX Robert de Veci XXX Robert de Buci XXXI Ralf Pagenel XXXII RalfdeLimesi XXXIII Robert Albus xxxiiii William de Cahainges XXXV William Pevrel xxxvi William the son of Ansculf XXXVII William Loueth xxxviii Walter de Aincurth XXXIX Walter Flandrensis (the Fleming) XL Winemar XLi Guy de Renbodcurth xLii Eudo the son of Hubert XLiii Ghilo the brother of Ans- culf XLiiii Geoffrey Alselin XLV Geoffrey de Mannevile XLVi Gilbert de Gand xLvii Geoffrey de Wirce XLviii Gunfrid de Cioches xLix Sigar de Cioches L Suain (the son of Azur) LI Sibold Lii Oger the Breton Liii Drogo de Beurere Liiii Maino the Breton Lv Eustace de Huntedune Lvi The Countess Judith Lvii Gilbert the cook Lviii David Lix Richard (Inganie) Lx William (Inganie) and other thegns 303