THE HOLDERS OF LANDS holds I hide and 3 virgates of land. There is land for 4 ploughs. In demesne there are 2 (ploughs), and 3 serfs ; and (there are) 6 villeins and 5 bordars, with 2 ploughs. There is a mill rendering (tie) 8 shillings, and 3 acres of meadow, and 3 acres of underwood. It was worth 20 shillings ; now (it is worth) 40 shillings. Siward held (it) freely. In Edone [East Haddon] Alric holds i^ hides of the Count. There is land for 3 ploughs. In demesne there is I (plough), and 5 serfs ; and (there are) 4 villeins and 7 bordars, with 2 ploughs. There are 6 acres of meadow, and 4 acres of underwood {iikuc minute). It was worth 20 shillings ; now (it is worth) 40 shillings. The same (Alric) holds the third part of 1 virgate in Holewelle [HoUowell]. It is waste. In Blaculveslei [Blakesley] Sagrim holds of the Count li hides. The soc is the King's in Nortone [Green's Norton]. There is land for 3^ ploughs. One plough only is there, with 2 villeins, and 2 serfs, and (there are) 2 acres of meadow. It was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. He himself held it in king Edward's time. In BoTENDONE [Boddington] Lewin holds 2 hides of the Count. There is land for 5 ploughs. In demesne there are 2 (ploughs), and 4 serfs ; and (there are) 1 1 villeins and 5 bordars, with 3^ ploughs. There (are) 10 acres of meadow. It was worth 100 shillings ; now (it is worth) 4 pounds. Turi held it freely. In Snochescumbe [Snoscombe] Alric holds half a virgate of land of the Count. There is land for i plough, which is there with I serf, and i villein, and I acre of underwood {si/vte minute). It is worth 5 shillings. He himself held (it). In Waletone [Welton] Ulmar holds of the Count half a virgate of land, less 5 acres. There is land for half a plough, and that much is there with i bordar, and i acre of meadow. It is worth 5 shillings. He himself held (it) freely. Confessor's reign. Baker (i. L94), however, docs not mention it.' (Mr. Stuart Moore's note.) I can throw no light on the identi- fication of this 'Aldenestone.' In Brantone [Church Brampton] Ulmar holds of the Count half a hide. There is land for I plough. This is there. It is worth 20 shillings. He himself held (it). XIX. THE LAND OF THE COUNT OF MELLEND In Gravesende Hundret The COUNT OF Meulan {Mellend) holds of the King in Nortone [Norton] ' 2^ hides, and the fifth part of half a hide. There is land for 7 ploughs. There are now in demesne 2 (ploughs), and i hide of land. There 23 villeins, with the priest and 9 bordars and I serf, have 6 ploughs. There is a mill rendering [de) 10 shillings, and 25 acres of meadow. It was worth 6 pounds ; now (it is worth) 8 pounds. Agemund held (it) freely. The same count of Mellend holds Berche- WELLE [Berkswell] ^ in demesne. There are 4 hides. Of these he has 3 hides in demesne. There is land for 8 ploughs. In demesne there is i (plough), and 4 serfs ; and 7 villeins, with 3 bordars, have i plough. There (are) 5 acres of meadow. Wood(land) I league in length and i league in breadth. It is worth 40 shillings. The same Count holds in Witacre [Whit- acre] ^ half a hide (which is) waste, and it is worth 12 pence. Levenot held these lands freely in king Edward's time.^ 1 XX. THE LAND OF COUNT ALAN ^ In Clailea Hundret CouNi- Alan holds of the King 4 fifths of half a hide in Wacafeld [Wakefield], and Ralph Dapifer (holds) of him. There is land for 2 ploughs. In demesne there is I (plough) ; and 3 villeins, with I bordar, have another plough. There (is) I acre of meadow. Wood- (land) 5| furlongs in length, and 3 furlongs in breadth. It was worth 5 shillings ; now (it is worth) 10 shillings.
- In Fawsley Hundred.
- These two places lie in Warwickshire
(see Introduction.) ^ These two entries are added at the foot of the page.
- Of Brittany.