THE HOLDERS OF LANDS thirds of I hide in Westone [Weston-by- Welland]. There is land for 6 ploughs. There lo sochmen have 3^ ploughs. It was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 42 shillings and 8 pence. The same (Robert) holds i hide and 2 thirds of half a hide in Sutone [Sutton Bas- set]. There is land for 2| ploughs. These (ploughs) 8 sochmen have there. It was worth 5 shillings; now (it is worth) 21 shillings and 4 pence. The same (Robert) holds in Dinglei [Dingley] 2 thirds of I hide and 2 thirds of 2 thirds of I hide. There is land for 4 ploughs. There 1 1 sochmen have 2^ ploughs. It was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 13 shillings and 4 pence. The same (Robert) holds 2 hides in Bran- tone [Brampton].^ There is land for 4 ploughs. There 8 sochmen have 3 ploughs. It was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 8 pence more. In Corbei Hundret The same (Robert) holds i hide and 3 vir- gatesof land in Weledene [VVeldon]. There is land for 5 ploughs. In demesne there are two ploughs ; and 8 villeins and 4 bordars, with I sochman, have 4 ploughs. Wood(land) I league in length and 3 furlongs in breadth. It was worth 5 shillings ; now (it is worth) 30 shillings. Norman held these lands, and could go where he pleased. The same (Robert) holds i virgate of land in Weledene [Weldon]. The King claims it. In Stoch Hundret Walter holds of Robert in Ascelei [Ashley] the third part of i hide. The soc belongs to {est de) Weledene [Weldon]. There is land for half a plough. There 2 sochmen have 1 plough, and 2 acres of meadow. It was worth 5 shillings ; now (it is worth) 3 shillings. Norman held (it). Hugh holds of Robert i hide in Brantone [Brampton].^ There is land for 1 plough. Nevertheless there are in demesne 2 ploughs, and 2 serfs, with I bordar. It was worth 2 shillings ; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. fo. 225b Norman holds of Robert 2 hides in Blare- WICHe [Blathcrwick]. There is land for 6 ploughs. Hugh and William hold of him. In demesne there are 2 ploughs ; and 12 villeins and 5 bordars have 4 ploughs. There is a mill rendering {de) 30 pence, and 6 acres of meadow. Wood(land) i league in length and 3 furlongs in breadth. It is worth 18 shillings. In Rodewel Hundret Hugh holds of Robert half a hide in Badebroc [Braybrook]. There is land for I plough. It was and is worth 16 pence. Norman held (it). The same Hugh holds of Robert the third part of I hide in the same vill. There is land for half a plough. Nevertheless i plough is there, with i bordar. It was worth 12 pence ; now (it is worth) 3 shillings. Ulchet held (it). William * holds of Robert half a hide in RisTONE [Rushton]. There is land for i plough. Nevertheless i| ploughs are there, with 4 villeins and 2 bordars. There (is) half a mill rendering {de) 12 shillings, and 6 acres of wood. Ulchet held (it). It was worth 12 pence ; now (it is worth) 6 shil- lings. The soc belongs to {est in) Waledone [Weldon ?]. In the same vill he has half a virgate of land waste. In Sperehou ' Hundret The same William * holds of Robert 2 hides and i| virgates of land in Moltone [Moulton]. There is land for 5 ploughs. In demesne there are 3 ploughs, with I serf ; and 7 villeins and 4 bordars have 2 ploughs. There is a mill {de) rendering 8 pence. It was worth 20 shillings ; now (it is worth) 50 shillings. Thori held (it). Robert holds of Robert 3 virgates of land, less 1 bovate, in Bochetone [Boughton]. There is land for i^ ploughs. 4 bordars, with I villein and I serf, have i (plough)* there, and (there are) 4 acres of meadow. It was worth 5 shillings ; now (it is worth) lO shillings. ' Sic. ^ Now in Corby Hundred. ^ Spelho.
- • This was William Engayne (* Inganic ').
- The variant reading written above the
line in the original is, ' i (plough) is there with 4 bordars,' etc. 335