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A HISTORY OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE 7 ploughs. In demesne there are 2 (ploughs), and 7 serfs; and 14 villeins and 5 bordars have 5 ploughs. There (is) a mill rendering {de) 32 pence. Wood(land) 5^ furlongs in length and i^ furlongs in breadtii. It was worth 4 pounds; now (it is worth) 100 shil- lings. In Gravesend Hundret The same (Gunfrid) holds half a hide and the fifth part of half a hide in Westorp [Thorpe].* There is land for i plough. This is there with 2 bordars. It was worth 2 shillings ; now (it is worth) 6 shillings. Suain held all these lands aforesaid with sac and soc. In Sutone Hundret The same (Gunfrid) holds 2 hides and the fifth part of 2 hides in Grimberie [Grims- bury]. There is land for 6 ploughs. In demesne there are 2 (ploughs), and 4 serfs ; and 15 villeins with 3 bordars have 4 ploughs. There (is) a mill rendering [de) 10 shillings, and 30 acres of meadow. It was worth 4 pounds ; now (it is worth) 6 pounds. This land belongs to 3 lords.* Levenot held (it) with sac and soc. Winemar holds of Gunfrid i hide and 3 virgates of land in Cnutestone [Knuston]. There is land for 2 ploughs. In demesne there are i^ (ploughs), with i serf; and 6 villeins have i plough. There (is) a mill rendering [de) 8 pence, and 7 acres of meadow. It was worth 5 shillings ; now (it is worth) 20 shillings. Vluiet held (it) freely in king Edward's time. Eustace * claims (it). In Spelehou Hundret John holds of Gunfrid half a virgate of land in Westone [Weston Favel]. There is I villein having 3 beasts [animalia). In Niwebotlagrave Hundred Olbaldus holds of Gunfrid i hide and I virgate of land in Flora [Floore]. There is land for 3 ploughs. In demesne there are 2 (ploughs), and 4 serfs ; and 5 villeins with 4 bordars have I plough. There (are) 6 acres of meadow. It was worth 10 shillings ; now (it is worth) 25 shillings. Two thegns held (it). ' Near Norton, in Fawsley Hundred. ' (r) ^ dominiorum' [the reading is somewhat doubtful in the text of Domesday). ' Probably Eustace the sheriff of Hunting- donshire. In Claieslea Hundret Tetbald holds of Gunfrid 3 virgates of land, and the fourth part of I virgate, in Hulecote [Hulcote]. There is land for 2 ploughs. In demesne there is I (plough) ; and 7 villeins have another. There (are) 5 acres of meadow. It was worth 12 shillings; now (it is worth) 15 shillings. Bondi holds of Gunfrid 3 virgates of land, and the fourth part of i virgate in Adestane- STONE [Easton Neston]. There is land for 2 ploughs. In demesne there is I (plough) ; and 6 villeins have another. There (are) 3 acres of meadow, and from part of a mill (come) 4 shillings. Wood(land) 5 furlongs in length and in breadth. Two lords hold it. It is worth 12 shillings. The same Bondi held (it) freely. Dodin holds of Gunfrid 4 fifths of half a hide in Rode [Roade], There is land for i plough. This is there with 2 bordars. Wood(land) half a furlong in length and 4 perches in breadth. It was worth 12 pence ; now (it is worth) 4 shillings. Suain held it freely in king Edward's time. fo. 328 XLIX. THE LAND OF SIGAR DE CIOCHES In Tovecestre Hundret SiGAR de Cioches holds of the King 4 hides* and 4 fifths of half a hide. There is land for 10 ploughs. Of this land i hide is in demesne, and there (are) 3 ploughs, and 5 serfs, and 3 bondwomen; and 21 villeins, with the priest and 1 1 bordars, have 8 ploughs. There (are) 8 acres of meadow. Wood(land) 4 furlongs in length, and 3 fur- longs in breadth. It was and is worth 6 pounds. Earl Tosti(g) held (it). L. THE LAND OF SUAIN » In Claieslea Hundret Suain holds of the King 4 hides in Stoche [Stoke Bruern]. There is land for 10 ploughs. In demesne there is I (plough) ; and 14 vil- leins, with the priest and 7 bordars, have 5 ploughs. There (is) a mill rendering [de) 13 shillings and 4 pence, and 30 acres of meadow.

  • This entry refers to Gayton. See Baker,

II. 261, 272.

  • This was Swegen son of Azur. See

Introduction. 348