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Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/498

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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK and afterwards Fulchred added them to the manor of Blideburo [Blythburgh] in Robert Malet's time. In GisLiNGAHAM [Gislingham] Leverich a freeman (had) 3 acres, worth bd. In the same (vill) were 7 acres which W. de Burnoville holds at Dice [Diss]. HUNDRET OF BlIDINGA [BlYTHING] BuDEBURC [Blythburgh] King Edward held as a manor 5 carucates and 15 acres of land. Then as now 8 villeins, and 39 bordars, and i serf. Then i plough on the demesne. Land (enough) for 5 ploughs on the demesne. But Roger received (only) 3 oxen, and now there are the like number. Then as now 21 ploughs belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 40 swine. 6 acres of meadow. And 7 sokemen (subject to) all customs (held) 3 carucates and 84 acres of land. Then as now 1 6 bordars. And 9 ploughs. And a market. Wood(land) for 30 swine. And 2 acres of meadow. To this manor belongs the fourth penny of the rent [censu) of the haye {heia) of RisEBURC [ ] between the King and the Earl. All this T.R.E. rendered 30//. by tale and one day's (provision) of honey with all customs ; when Roger received it 50//. by weight, now 23//. by weight. A church with 2 carucates of land. Then as now 9 villeins and 4 bordars. Then 1 plough on the demesne, now half a plough. Then 4 ploughs belonging to the men, now i plough. Wood(land) for 20 swine. And halfan acre of meadow. Then it ren- dered ten thousand herrings, now 50J. and three thousand herrings. This Osbern Masculus holds in alms of the King ; to this church belong two others without land. fol. 282^. In Dersham [Darsham] Alwin the priest held T.R.E. 30 acres of land as a manor, and i bordar, and i freeman with 2 acres, half a church with 6 acres worth i2d. Then as now I plough, I acre of meadow. Worth i os. And in Stickingalanda [Stickingland*] the said Alwin held T.R.E. i carucate of land and 40 acres as a manor. Then as now 2 villeins. Then 4 bordars, now 11. Then as now on the demesne I plough. Then l plough belonging to the men, now 2^ ploughs. 3 acres of mea- dow. And I rouncey, 4 beasts, I swine, and 16 sheep. Then it was worth 251., now 30J. Over this the predecessor of Robert Malet had commendation T.R.E. HuNDRET OF CaRLEFORD [CaRLFORd] now half a plough. Then it was worth 51., now 3^. HuNDRET OF WaNNEFORDA [WaNGFORD] In Ringesfella [Ringsfield] a freeman under King Edward (held) i^ carucates as a manor. Then as now i villein, and 5 bordars. On the demesne I plough, and belonging to the men I plough. 2 acres of meadow. Woo3(land) for 20 swine. Haifa mill. A church with 15 acres, worth 2;. and 8rf. Then as now 2 ploughs. And 2 beasts, 5 swine, 30 sheep, and 16 goats. Then worth 20f., now i6j. In the same (vill) 1 1 freemen under Ulsi's commendation T.R.E. (held) a carucate of land. Then 4 ploughs, now i^ ploughs. 2 acres of meadow. 83 freemen out of this Hundred were added to Montford's manor in King William's time, among whom are the afore- said 12, who rendered no custom at all to this manor aforesaid T.R.E. ; but now they render 1 5 A'. ; and this custom Aluric the reeve appointed for them in Roger Bigot's time. In Westuna [Weston] a freeman Hacun, a freeman under King Edward, (held) 40 acres as a manor. Then as now i villein, and 2 bordars. Half a plough on the demesne, and his men have half a plough. Wood(land) for lo swine. In the same (vill) a fi-eeman Ailric under Gurth's commendation (held) 40 acres as a manor. Then as now i bordar. Then as now half a plough. Wood(land) for 4 swine. I acre of meadow. All these T.R.E. rendered 6j. and ^d. In the same (vill) a freeman Sprottulf under the same (Gurth's) commendation (held) 30 acres as a manor. Then as now 2 bordars. Then i plough, now half a plough. And 2 oxen be- longing to the men. Half an acre of meadow. In Werlingaham [Worlingham] a freeman Vlf under Gurth's commendation (held) 40 acres as a manor. Then as now 2 bordars. And i plough. 2 acres of meadow. In the same (vill) a freeman Adestan under Ulsi's commendation (held) 40 acres as a manor. Then as now i plough. 2 acres of meadow. In the same (vill) a freeman iEthesi under Gurth's commendation (held) 30 acres as a manor. Then as now i plough. Half an acre of meadow. In the same (vill) a freeman Godric under Ulsi's commendation (held) 30 acres and I bordar and i plough and i acre of meadow. And 64 other freemen hold 5 carucates of land, and they always ploughed with 7 ploughs. 4 acres of meadow. In Riscemara [Rushmere (St. Andrew)] (were) j^ Ringesfella [Ringsfield] the King has part 9 freemen with 31 acres of land, i plough, „f ^ .^urch with 20 acres, and others have part • In Yoxford ; see Cal. Chart, in B.M. therein, and it is worth 3^. 420