THE HOLDERS OF LANDS In Waletuna [Walton] (was) a freewoman Alveva"' with 16 acres under the Abbot's com- mendation. And 2 bordars. And half a plough. Worth 35. H[ervey] Beruarius ^^^ holds of the Abbot ; and he held of the king, but the Abbot proved his right. And in Plugeard [ ] '" (was) a free- man (under Saint) Etheldreda, Edwin, with 2 acres. Worth ^.d. And now the same H[ervey] holds of the Abbot. In Kenebroc [Kembrook] (was) a freeman (under Saint) Etheldreda, Godric, with 7 acres. And 2 oxen. Worth 2od. Roger Bigot held him of the king, but the Abbot proved his right ; and Roger Bigot holds of him. Saint Etheldreda has the soke of the 5^ Hundreds. And it renders to her 1 1 /«'.*" fol, 386. HUNDRET OF CaRLEFORDA [CaRLFORD] (At) Kyngestuna [Kingston] ^" Saint Ethel- dreda T.R.E. held I carucate of land as a manor. Then 8 villeins, now 5, now 8 bordars.'" Then 2 serfs, now i. Then as now on the demesne 2 ploughs, and 3 ploughs of the men, and 8^ acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 5 swine. Then as- now i rouncey, 4 beasts, 30 sheep, and 12 swine. Then as now it was worth 40s. It is 4 furlongs long and 3 broad, and (pays) 3;/. in geld. Others have holdings there. (At) Brihtewella [Brightwell] the Saint T.R.E. held as a manor 2 carucates of land. Then 6 villeins, now 5. Then as now 3 bordars. Then 5 serfs, now 2. Then as now on the demesne 2 ploughs. Then 4 ploughs belonging to the men, now 3. And i church without land. And 6 acres of meadow. And 2 mills. Then as now i rouncey, 40 sheep, and 8 swine. And there is i sokeman with 12 acres, and he dwells in Neubrumna [Newbourn] Then as now it was worth 40;. It is 10 fur- longs long and 6 broad. And (pays) ^^d, in geld. Others have holdings there. In Grundesburc [Grundisburgh] Algar, a freeman under Saint Etheldreda T.R.E. held i carucate and 30 acres of land as a manor. Then as now 2 villeins and 5 bordars. Then as now on the demesne 2 ploughs and i plough belong- ing to the men. 4 acres of meadow. Then as •"'Alfgeve'; Inj. El. 158. '" ' Bebruel ' ; ibid. '" See n. 94. "* Inq. El. (p. 159) substitutes for this : 'Over the whole hundred of Colneis St. Etheldreda has sac and soke, and it is worth 40/.'
- " In Woodbridge.
"• ' now 7 bordars ' ; Inj. El. 1 60. now 3 rounceys, 6 beasts, 16 swine, and 70 sheep, and 3 hives of bees. Then it was worth 20J., now 40J. This Hervey de Beruari' holds of Saint Etheldreda, It is 10 furlongs long and 6 broad, and (pays) 1 5^. in geld. In Grundesburgh [Grundisburgh] 3 men under half commendation to Algar T.R.E. (held) 7 acres, worth d.^" In Haschetuna [Hasketon] are 22 acres, worth 4J."* In Thisteldena [Thistleton] Ulmar, a free- man under commendation to Saint Etheldreda, held 60 acres as a manor, and 5 freemen"' under him. Of them 2 were under commendation to the predecessor of Geoffrey de Magnaville. fol. 386/!.. Then i^ ploughs, now I, and 3 acres of meadow. Then it was worth i oj., now i 2j. When he *^ received it there was i rouncey, and there is now. Then 5 beasts, and now 15 swine, and 50 sheep, and 12 goats, and 5 hives of bees. In Parva Belinges [Little Bealings] are 2 freemen with 20 acres under commendation to Saint Etheldreda, and half a plough, worth 3;. In Foxehola [Foxhall] are 15 acres,"* worth 2S. In Buclesham [Bucklesham] 5 acres, worth 8<^."« In RiSHEMARA [Rushmere (St. Andrew)] Turchil, a freeman T.R.E. under commenda- tion half to Saint Etheldreda and half to Gurth, held 80 acres of land as a manor. Then i plough, now half a plough. 5 acres of meadow. Then it was worth 20i., now lOs. In the same (vill was) Edric, a freeman under the same commendation as the other, with 20 acres.^*' Then 1 plough, now half a plough, and half an acre of meadow. Then it was worth lOi., now 6j.* Moreover in the same (vill) 5 freemen under commendation to Turchil (held) 1 5 acres. Then half a plough, now none. Then it was worth 30i/., now 3f. "' ' In Grundesburch Hervey Breduel holds 3 half- freemen under commendation to St. Etheldreda. Worth 3/.' ; Inj. El. 163. This appears to be dupli- cated below under the lands of Hervey de Bourges ; see n. 361. "•'worth 2/.'; 7»f. El 163. "* 'with 20 acres' ; ibid.
- " Inq. El. makes Hervey the tenant ; ibid.
"' ' 20 acres ' ; ibid. "* ' In Bucheshala 5 acres, worth od.' ; ibid. mi. — ' '25 acres' ; ibid. •» • worth 5/.' ; ibid. 523