THE HOLDERS OF LANDS of Hubert. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. It is I league long, and 4^ furlongs broad. And (pays) ^d. in geld. LVIII. LAND OF GONDWIN THE CHAMBERLAIN Sanfort [Samford] Hundret and a Half (At) Hecham [Higham] Asseman a freeman in commendation to Robert son of Wimarc held as a manor 1 carucate of land. Then as now I villein, and then 3 bordars. Afterwards and now 2. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne. Afterwards nothing, now I plough. Then I plough belonging to the men. Afterwards and now half a plough. 7 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for lo swine. Then and now i mill. Part of a church with 2 acres. Now 3 beasts, 8 swine, 6 sheep, and 8 goats. Then worth 30J., now 20J., but it was (let) to farm for 30J. It is 8 furlongs long and 6 broad, and (pays) izd. in geld. Others had holdings there. The soke (was) in Bercolt [Bergholt]. LIX. LANDS OF SAISSELIN Brademera [Bradmere] Hundret (At) ToRP [(Ixworth) Thorpe] T.R.E. Acolf the thegn held as a manor i carucate of land. Then as now 2 bordars. Then and afterwards 2 ploughs on the demesne, now i. And half a plough belonging to the men. 6 acres of meadow. Then as now I mill. Then as now 2 beasts. Then 10 swine, now 16. Then as now 30 sheep. And (there are) 4 freemen, over whom his (Saisselin's) predecessor had commendation T.R.E. and they have 13 acres and half a plough. Worth 20s. At Sapestuna [Sapiston] Godman the thegn held T.R.E. half a carucate of land. Then as fol. 437. now 2 bordars. And i plough on the demesne. 5 acres of meadow. Then as now a mill. And 2 beasts. Then 3 swine, now 5. Then 20 sheep, now 33. Then as now it was worth 15J. In the same (vill) 8 freemen under com- mendation (held) 24 acres. Worth 35. Saint Edmund has soke and sac over them and over the whole Hundred, LX. LANDS OF ROBERT DE VERLI Blackebrune [Blackbourn] Hundret In Westuna [Weston] Alsi a freeman held T.R.E. I carucate of land as a manor. And I bordar, and 2 serfs. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards none, now I. Then as now half a plough belonging to the men. 3 acres of meadow. Then as now i mill. Now I rouncey, 2 beasts, 8 swine, and 50 sheep. And 6 freemen under commendation (held) 103 acres. Then 2 ploughs, now I. And l acre of meadow. A church with 12 acres and half a plough. This manor was then as now worth 25J., and the freemen 5^. LXI. LAND OF RALPH PINEL In Reinduna [Raydon] 2 freemen Erniet and Alwort held 40 acres. Then as now half a plough and i bordar. Worth ioj. This land Ralph held by the King's gift, but from it Geoffrey de Magnaville (received) service. The soke (is) in Bercolt [Bergholt]. Half Hundret of Cosfort [Cosford] (At) Lafham [Layham] Bricthmar T.R.E. held 40 acres. Then as now i bordar and i serf, and I plough. Worth os. Saint Edmund (has) the soke. fol. 437-i'. LXII. LAND OF ISAAC Bosemera [Bosmere] Hundret (At) Offetuna [OfFton] Siric a freeman held T.R.E. 100 acres as a manor. Then as now 2 bordars. And then I plough, now half a plough. A church with 7^ acres. Then it was worth 20X., now 30J. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In Sumersham [Somersham] Ulwin a free- man held 60 acres of land as a manor T.R.E. Then i plough. Then it was worth 20J., now 20.>. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In the same (vill) a freeman, Coleman, (held) 5 acres. Worth 20d. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In Hamingestuna [Hemingstone] (are) 4 acres on the demesne, worth 8^. In the same (vill) a freeman (held) half an acre. Worth id. The King and the Earl (have) the soke, Claindune [Claydon] Hundret (At) Hamingestuna [Hemingstone] Leuric a freeman held T.R.E. i carucate of land as a manor. Then as now 2 bordars. Then 2 ploughs, now I. And 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 2 swine. Then as now i rouncey. Then 2 beasts, now I. .Then 11 sheep, now 20, Then 13 swine, now 20. 57'