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A HISTORY OF SURREY 27. Reed - Warbler. Acrocephalus streperus (Vieillot). A fairly common summer visitor, but being restricted by its fondness for high reeds and water is to that extent local in its distribution. It is found on the Thames, Wey, Mole and several other smaller streams, and occasionally on the rushy margins of the local lakes. 28. Marsh -Warbler. Acrocephalus palustris (Bechstein). It is doubtful if this species has been cor- rectly recorded from the county. The late Mr. Edward Blyth believed that he had dis- covered it in Battersea Park, but his account is not wholly satisfactory (Bucknill, p. 44). 29. Great Reed-Warbler. Acrocephalus tur- doTdes (Meyer). Said to have occurred at least once in the county. The Charterhouse collection con- tains a specimen shot in 1858, near Godal- ming (Bucknill, p. 41). 30. Sedge-Warbler. Acrocephalus phragmitis (Bechstein). An abundant summer visitor, but is nearly always found somewhere near water, and is to that degree local. Arrives towards the latter end of April. 31. Grasshopper- Warbler. Locustella tiievia (Boddaert). A regular summer visitor of rather local distribution, occurring tolerably frequently on many of the furze commons and heath lands of the country districts. It is of wary and retiring habits and secretes its nest with great care. 32. Hedge - Sparrow. Accentor modularis (Linn.). A common and familiar resident through- out the county. 33. Alpine Accentor. Accentor collaris (Sco- poli). This species has occurred once in Surrey, at Milford, near Godalming, in 1841 (Buck- mil, p. 30). 34. Dipper. Cinclus aquaticus, Bechstein. A very rare straggler to the county which offers it no attractions. It has only been recorded on two or three occasions (Bucknill, pp. 62-64). 35. Bearded Reedling. Panurus biarmlcus (Linn.). The bearded tit may have nested within the county many years ago, and if so pro- bably on the border of the Thames. It is doubtful however if it should be regarded as a resident in any other part of the county, and it is quite certain that it has not bred in Surrey for over half a century if at all. At the present day it has entirely ceased to exist, and no record of even its occurrence as a straggler has been published for very many years. It has also become extinct in all parts of England with the exception of one or two localities in the Eastern provinces (Bucknill, pp. 57-60). 36. Long - tailed Tit. Acredula caudata (Linn.). A fairly common resident, and in the rural districts tolerably abundant. 37. Great Tit. Parus major, Linn. A common resident, more abundant in Surrey than any of the Paridse, except the blue tit. 38. Coal-Tit. Parus ater, Linn. Another resident, not so common as the two preceding species, but nevertheless of general distribution throughout the county. In common with all the Paridae it is more often seen near London in the winter months than in the nesting season. 39. Marsh-Tit. Parus palustris, Linn. A fairly common resident, but more local in its distribution, and generally less abundant than the former three species. 40. Blue Tit. Parus ctgruleus, Linn. A familiar and abundant resident, usually known as the 'Tom tit.' The commonest tit found in Surrey. 41. Crested Tit. Parus cristatus, Linn. A straggler of great rarity. It is doubtful if the county can claim more than one well- authenticated example, although it has been recorded on two or three occasions (Bucknill, P- 56). 42. Nuthatch. Sitta ctesia, Wolf. A fairly common resident, frequenting chiefly those districts where there is large timber. Often popularly known by the name 'woodpecker.' 43. Wren. Troglodytes parvulus, Koch. A common and well-known resident, often found in places quite close to the metropolis. 44. Tree-Creeper. Certhia familiaris, Linn. Like the nuthatch, a fairly abundant resi- dent in Surrey, which offers to both species by its thickly-wooded character a very con- genial home. From its dull colour and feeble note it is less often observed than the pre- ceding species. 206