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A HISTORY OF SURREY 59. Spotted Flycatcher. Muscicapa grisola, Linn. A common summer visitor, arriving about the middle of May and leaving again in September. Very generally distributed over the county. 60. Swallow. Hirundo rustica, Linn. An abundant and familiar summer visitor, arriving about the middle of April and leaving in October or even earlier. 61. House-Martin. Che'idon urbica (Linn.). Another very common summer visitor, rather more abundant than the preceding species, which it much follows in its arrival and departure. 62. Sand-Martin. Cattle riparia (Linn.). A common summer visitor, arriving and leaving about the same time as the swallow. Breeds in colonies in holes in high banks, sand-pits and similar localities, and is to that extent local in its distribution. 63. Greenfinch. Ligurinus Moris (Linn.). A common resident, nesting freely on the commons and in the hedges of all parts of Surrey. With other finches it packs in winter in considerable and often immense flocks, and then frequents the stubbles and rickyards. 64. Hawfinch. Coccothraustes vulgaris, Pallas. At one time regarded as of rare occurrence in Great Britain, this species has since been recognized as a common enough resident in this and many other counties. It is shy and easily alarmed, and except during the autumn and winter months frequents the thick woods where it nests, though it sometimes favours an orchard. Although it would not be proper to term it abundant in Surrey it is of fairly general distribution, and perhaps as common in this county as in any other part of England (Bucknill, pp. 98-102). 65. Goldfinch. Carduelis elegans, Stephens. Has decreased of late years very consider- ably. Rather a rare nesting species at the present day, and as a winter visitor of much less common occurrence than formerly, al- though in severe weather it still is to be found in some places in considerable numbers. 66. Siskin. Carduelis spinus (Linn.). A rather irregular winter visitor, occurring however in certain spots in some usually hard seasons in tolerable abundance. Has also been recorded nesting in the county on a few occasions. 67. House-Sparrow. Passer domesticus (Linn.). An abundant resident throughout the whole of the county. 68. Tree-Sparrow. Passer montanus (Linn.). Mainly a winter visitor, although a few breed, usually in small colonies, very locally. In some winters it appears in large numbers, and in others is conspicuous by its absence. 69. Chaffinch. Fringilla coelebs, Linn. A common resident throughout the county. In winter it assembles in large packs, often composed of one sex. 70. Brambling. Fringilla montifringilla, Linn. A not uncommon winter visitor, but of irregular appearance. Severe winters appear favourable to its occurrence, and when it does occur it is usually abundant. 71. Linnet. Linota cannabina (Linn.). A common enough resident in the rural districts, where it frequents the furze com- mons. In winter it is gregarious and is then caught in some numbers by the birdcatchers. 72. Mealy Redpoll. Linota linaria (Linn.). An irregular and apparently rare winter visitor to the county, in which it has been occasionally noticed. It is, however, doubt- less often overlooked, although recognized as a distinct species by many birdcatchers (Bucknill, pp. 112, 113). 73. Lesser Redpoll. Linota rufescens (Vieillot). A fairly common winter visitor to many parts of the county ; on a few occasions it has been found nesting in Surrey, and it is probable that it remains with us more often than is generally believed. It is extremely fond of the seed of the alder. 74. Twite or Mountain-Linnet. Linota flavirostris (Linn.). A winter visitor of considerable rarity, al- though from its resemblance to other mem- bers of the genus it no doubt sometimes passes unnoticed. Has been recorded on several oc- casions (Bucknill, pp. 115, 1 1 6). 75. Bullfinch. Pyrrhula europtsa y Vieillot. A common resident, breeding freely in most parts of the county. Owing to its bright colour it is more often popularly noticed in winter than when the foliage is on the trees. 76. Crossbill. Loxia curvirostra. Linn. Generally speaking an autumn and winter visitor of capricious and local appearance. A few localities seem to be favoured annually with its presence, and it has nested and pro- 208