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A HISTORY OF SURREY (Buctni/l, p. 79). The examples which have been specifically recorded from the county are singularly few. 94. Carrion-Crow. Corvus corone, Linn. A partial resident, and at the present day much less common than in former years. Although it nests in some parts of the county, it is mainly noticed as a winter visitor. Being extremely destructive to game, it is the bete- noire of the keeper. 95. Hooded Crow. Corvus comix, Linn. A winter visitor of much less common ap- pearance at the present day than in years gone by. It visits the county still in severe winters, but not in any numbers. 96. Rook. Co runs frugilegus, Linn. An abundant resident, running right up to the metropolitan area, within which there are many old-established rookeries. 97. Sky-Lark. Alauda arvensis, Linn. A very common and familiar resident in all the rural districts, and will take up its abode on almost any piece of waste land in the metropolitan neighbourhood. A very frequent captive, and sadly prized for its song. 98. Wood-Lark. Alauda arborea, Linn. A resident of extremely local character. Although found nesting occasionally in the county, it cannot be regarded as common in any part of Surrey. It seems to have wholly escaped the notice of many modern naturalists, but is doubtless sometimes overlooked. It has probably decreased in numbers in recent years, as some of the early county observers con- sidered it to be extremely common. 99. Shore-Lark. Otocorys alpestris (Linn.). A very rare straggler ; only recorded once or twice in Surrey (Bucknill, p. 146). 100. Swift. Cypselui apus (Linn.). A common summer visitor, arriving early in May and leaving in September. Not common in the immediate neighbourhood of London. 101. Alpine Swift. Cypselus melba (Linn.). A very rare visitor ; only noticed on three or four occasions in the county (Bucknill, pp. 147, 148). 102. Nightjar. Caprimulgus europteus. Linn. A common summer visitor to many of the suitable localities in Surrey. The open com- mon and heath lands offer it a congenial home, and although, owing to the diminution in unenclosed and unmolested grounds, it is not so abundant as it was in years gone by, it is still frequent, even near London, in those spots where it can find its requisite food of moths, beetles and other winged insects. 103. Wryneck. lynx torquilla, Linn. A common summer visitor arriving, as a rule, a day or two before the cuckoo. This peculiarity has caused it to be popularly called the ' cuckoo's mate.' 104. Green Woodpecker. Gecinus viridis (Linn.). The most abundant and largest of the British woodpeckers. In Surrey it is a common and well-known resident, its loud, laughing cry rendering it very conspicuous. It usually is known by the name ' yaffle.' Near the metropolis it is of course much less often noticed than in the country. 105. Great Spotted Woodpecker. Dendro- copus major (Linn.). A resident in the more rural districts, where it nests in the thick and big-timbered woods. Occasionally is found also in the parks nearer London, but is nowhere a common species. 1 06. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Dendro- copus minor (Linn.). Also a resident, and although, owing to its smaller size and arboreal habits, it is less liable to observation than the preceding species, it is in reality rather more generally distributed. [Great Black Woodpecker. Picus martius, Linn. Has been recorded on one or two occasions in Surrey, but none of the accounts can be regarded as at all satisfactory (Bucinill, p. i57)0 107. Kingfisher. Alcedo ispida, Linn. A fairly common resident, though owing to its habits is naturally extremely local in its distribution. Has been much persecuted by collectors, and is doubtless not so abundant as in former years. The law has recently helped to protect it. 1 08. Roller. Coracias garru/us, Linn. Has occurred once at Penge, in 1832 (Bucknill, p. 1 60). 109. Bee-Eater. Merops apiaster, Linn. Has occurred twice in Surrey, at Godal- ming, and near Walton-on-Thames (Bucknill, p. 161). no. Hoopoe. Upupa epops, Linn. A summer visitor of rather rare occurrence. It has nested on a few occasions in the county, 2io