Page:VCH Sussex 1.djvu/201

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INSECTS MELYRIDii: Malachius aeneus, L. Ti/gutt; St. Leonards, LeiL'ts, lijield — bipustulatus, L. — viridis, F. Camber, common ; Letces, Brighton — marginellus, Ol. Camber, rare ; East- hourne, Brighton Axinotarsus pulicarius, F. Rye, JVinchel- sea ; rare — ruficollis, Ol. ^V} Guestling, rare ; Lewes Anthocomus fasciatus, L. Dasytes flavipes, F. Brighton, St. Leonards, Guestling — oculatus, Kies. Levies — arosus, Kies. Battle, Guestling, Abbots IVood, Lewes, Laughton Psilothrix nobilis, 111. Haplocnemus nigricornis, F. Hastings, rare Phloeophilus edwardsi, Steph. Hastings district, not common Clerid-i Opilo mollis, L. Hastings, rare ; Brighton Thanasimus formicarius, L. Fairlight Necrobia ruficollis, F. Hastings, scarce — violacea, L. Fairlight, Hurst Green ; scarce — rufipes, De G. Hastings, Ewhurst Corynetes coeruleus, De G. Guestling, scarce Drilid^ Drilus flavescens, Rossi. Male local, fe- male very rare ; male not uncommon near Lexves ; the female is recorded from ' the Sussex Downs ' Ptinid^ Ptinus germanus, F. Rare ; Rye — fur, L. — subpilosus. Mall. Rare ; Tilgate Forest, in ants' nests (Brewer) [ — pilosus, Miill. Said to have been taken in Tilgate Forest, but perhaps con- fused with the preceding] Niptus hololeucus, Fabr. Hedobia imperialis, L. Hastings district, Barcombe, Lewes Gibbium scotias, Scop. Hastings Anobiid^ Dryophilus pusillus, Gyll. Laughton, Tilgate — anobioides, Chevr. Very rare ; Laughton (Morris) Priobium castaneum, F. Hastings, Abbots Wood, Barcombe, Lewes Anobium domesticum, Fourc. — fulvicorne, Sturm. Hastings, Lewes — paniceum, L. Xestobium tessellatum, F. Hastings, Battle, Lewes, Arundel^

  • Part of the roof of Arundel Church was

destroyed by this insect some years ago. ANOBIID.T (continued) Ernobius mollis, L. Hastings, Lewes and Newhaven districts Ptilinus pectinicornis, L. St. Leonards, Guestling, Hastings ; rare Ochina licderas, Mali. St. Leonards, Hol- lington, rare ; Landport, Lewes Xyletinus ater, Panz. Rare ; Shipley, Rusper Ccenocara bovists, HofF. Rye Dorcatoma flavicornis, F. Hurst Green (Butler) Anitys rubens, Thoms. Netherjicld Rhizopertha pusilla, F. Hastings ClSSID^ Cis boleti, Scop. — villosulus, Marsh. Hastings district — micans, Herbst. Guestling — hispidus, Payk. Guestling ; Broomham Grove, Lewes — bidentatus, Ol. Hastings district — alni, Gyll. — nitidus, Herbst. Guestling, Lewes ■ — pygmaeus. Marsh. Hastings district — festivus, Panz. „ „ — fuscatus, Mel. „ „ Ennearthron affine, Gyll. Hastings, St. Leonards Forest — cornutum, Gyll. Hastings, St. Leonards Forest, Hurst Green Octotemnus glabriculus, Gyll. Prionid^ Prionus coriarius, L. Rare ; Hollington, Buxted Pari, Goodwood, Hayward's Heath Cerambycid^ Callidium violaceum, L. Hastings, Laugh- ton, Hayward's Heath — variabile, L. Ore near Hastings — alni, L. Hastings district, Brighton, Abbots IVood, Crowhurst, Laughton, Rotherfield near Lewes Clytus arietis, L. Gracilia minuta, F. Hastings district Obrium cantharinum, L. ' Brighton (Stephens) Rhagium inquisitor, F. — bifasciatum, F. Pachyta collaris, L, Brighton district, woods, rare Toxotus meridianus, Panz. Leptura livida, F. [ — rufa, BruUe. A single male recorded from Holm Bush, Brighton ; doubt- fully indigenous] Strangalia aurulenta, F. Very rare ; Arun- del (S. Stevens) — quadrifasciata, L. Hastings district, not uncommon ; Abbots IVood, Laughton, Hayward's Heath 55