Page:VCH Sussex 1.djvu/266

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A HISTORY OF SUSSEX SyrphiDj€ {continued) Sphaerophoria menthastri, Linn. Guestling (H. List), Lewes, common (U.) var. picta, Mg. Hastings district (E.N.B.) — flavicauda, Ztt. Lewes (J.), Bognor (G.) Xanthogramma ornatum, Mg. St. Leon- ards, Guestling, rare (H.List); Battle (J.), Lewes (J.), Uckfield, Pagham, Abbots Wood (G.H.V.) ; Ringmer, Newhaven (U.) — citrofasciatum, Deg. Downs, Lewes (J.), Abbots Wood (G.H.V.), Guest- ling, rare (H. List), Firle, Brighton (U) ; Bognor, Cocking (G.) Baccha elongata, F. Guestling, rare (H. List), Laughton (J.), Lewes, Frant, Abbots Wood (G.H.V.) — obscuripennis, Mg. Bognor (G.) Sphegina clunipes. Fin. Frant, Three ^ Bridges (G.H.V.) Ascia podagrica, F. Very common gene- rally — dispar, Mg. Bognor, Tapton (G.) — floralis, Mg. Plumpton (G.H.V.), Ew- hurst (W. Esam) Brachyopa bicolor. Fin. Guestling, rare (E.N.B.), Laughton, occasionally common at sap (J.) Rhingia campestris, Mg. Generally com- mon Volucella bombylans, Linn. Generally common — inanis, Linn. Guestling, rare (H. List), Three Bridges (G.H.V.) — inflata, F. St. Leonards, Guestling, rare (H. List) ; Laughton, Battle (J.) ; Abbots Wood (G.H.V.), Plashet Wood (U.), Dale Park (G.) — pellucens, Linn. Guestling, etc. (H hist), Lewes, Abbots Wood, Battle (J.) ; Plashet Wood (U). Eristalis sepulchralis, Linn. Pett[H. List), Lewes (G.H.V.), Seaford{].), Bognor, Middleton (G.) — asneus. Scop. Seaford (J. & G.H.V.), Pevensey (U.), Bognor (G.) — cryptarum, F. St. Leonards (Mr. Dale, H. List) — tenax, Linn. Generally abundant — intricarius, Linn. Generally distributed — arbustorum, Linn. Abundant — nemorum, Linn. Hastings, Guestling (H. List), Rotherfield, Plashet, Abbots Wood (G.H.V.) — pertinax. Scop. Generally common — horticola, Deg. Guestling (H. List), Plashet Wood (G.H.V.), Laughton (J,), woods near Lewes (U.), Danes Wood, Walberton (G.) Syrphid^ {continued) Myiatropa florea, Linn. Generally dis- tributed Helophilus trivittatus, F. Guestling, Rye (H. List), Seaford (J., G.H.V.), Lewes (J.), periodical ; Bognor (G.) — hybridus, Lw. Guestling, Pett, rare (H. List) ; Seaford, Lewes (J.) — pendulus, Linn. Generally common — versicolor, F. Rare ; Ashdown Forest {].) — transfugus, Linn. Winchelsea (W. Esam, H. List) — lineatus, F. Near Tunhridge Wells (G.H.V.), Stoneham near Lewes (J.), Firle (U.); rare — vittatus, Mg. Winchelsea (Hall, H. List), Seaford (J.) very rare Tropidia scita. Haw. i^i7j/;V;^j district (H. List), Lewes (J.), Goring {G.U.W .) Criorrhina ranunculi, Pz. Once at Battle (J-) — berberina, F. Guestling, rare (E.N.B.), Laughton, Tilgate (J.) — oxyacanthas, Mg. St. Leonards, Guest- ling (H. List) ; Three Bridges, Abbots Wood (G.H.V.); Laughton (J.), Plashet (U.), Bognor (G.) — floccosa, Mg. Lewes, (G.H.V.) Glynde, Tilgate (J.) — asilica. Fin. Guestling (H. List), Abbots Wood, (G.H.V.), Three Bridges, Laughton (J.) Xylota segnis, Linn. Guestling, Hastings (H. List) ; woods round Lewes (U.), Abbots Wood, Laughton Q.) ; Walber- ton (G.) — tarda, Mg. Three Bridges (G.H.V.) — sylvarum, Linn. Guestling, St. Leonards (H. List) ; Battle (J.), Abbots Wood (G.H.V.), woods, Lewes (U.), Wal- berton (G.) — abiens, W. Abbots Wood (G.H.V.) Syritta pipiens, Linn. Abundant every- where Eumerus ornatus, Mg. Plashet U'oo.l, Three Bridges (G.H.V.) Chrysochlamys cuprea. Scop. Guestling (E.N.B.), Laughton, Battle (J.) ; Abbots Wood, Three Bridges, Uckfield (G.H.V.) Sericomyia borealis. Fin. Guestling, Dal- lington (H. List) ; Battle, Abbots Wood (J.) Chrysotoxum cautum, Haw. Guestling (H. List), Battle, Abbots Wood (J.) ; Frant, Bridge (G.H.V.) ; Firle (U.), Bognor (G.) — elegans, Lw. Guestling, rare (H. List), Battle, Abbots Wood, Laughton (J.) ; Plashet (U.)