A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE are 9 hides. There is land for 7 ploughs. In the demesne are 3, and 2 serfs ; and (there are) 30 villeins and 6 bordars with 1 1 ploughs. T.R.E. and afterwards it was worth 10 pounds; now 12 pounds. The same countess held COVENTREU [Coven- try]. There are 5 hides. There is land for 20 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 ploughs and 7 serfs ; and (there are) 50 villeins and 12 bordars with 20 ploughs. There is a mill worth (de) 3 shillings. Wood(land) 2 leagues long and as much in breadth. T.R.E. and afterwards it was worth 12 pounds. Now 1 1 pounds of weighed money. These lands of Countess Godeva, Nicholas farms (tenet ad firmani) from the king. XVI. THE LAND OF THE COUNT OF MEULAN IN STANLEI [STONELEIGH] HUNDRET The Count of Meulan (de Mellend] holds of the king MUITONE [Myton]. 1 There are 2 hides. There is land for 8 ploughs. Earl Algar held it. In the demesne is I (plough) and 2 serfs ; and (there are) 6 villeins and 1 1 bordars with 3 ploughs. There are 2 mills worth (de) 70 shillings, and 12 acres of meadow. T.R.E. it was worth 3 pounds, and after- wards 40 shillings ; now 6 pounds. The same count holds in MALVERTONE [Milverton] " 2 hides less I virgate. Lew in held it and was a free man. There is land for 8 ploughs. In the demesne is I, and 2 serfs; and (there are) I villein and 5 bordars with I plough. There is a mill worth (de) 50 shillings and 30 acres of meadow. It was worth 40 shillings; now IOO shillings. The same count holds WIDECOTE [Wood- cote]. 3 There is I hide. There is land for 1 Myton is a suburb of Warwick, and, like Warwick, is now in Kineton Hundred, whereas any place in ' Stanlei ' Hundred would normally be found afterward in Stoneleigh Leet and the Hundred of Knightlow. The explanation seems to be that Myton is absolutely on the boundary of the two hundreds. There are two subsequent entries re- lating to Myton ; one speaking of z hides, the other of I hide. These, with the 2 hides of this entry, make it a 5-hide place.
- Milverton is found afterward in the Leet of
Stoneleigh, and was no doubt in the Domesday Hundred of Stanlei.' Woodcote, now a small estate in Leek Wool- ton, is subsequently to Domesday found to be divided into Upper and Lower Woodcote. There teems no ground for deciding whether the two 2 ploughs. Cantuin and Turbern held it and were free. There are 4 villeins and 5 bordars with I plough. T.R.E. it was worth 10 shillings ; now 30 shillings. The same count holds in RINCELE [Rin- sell] * I hide. It is waste. There is wood- (land) half a league long and 2 furlongs broad. When it bears (oneratur) it is worth 10 shillings. The same count holds in DERCETO [Avon Dassett] 8 i o hides. Three thegns held it and were free. There is land for 12 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 ploughs and i o serfs ; and 12 villeins with a priest and 5 bordars have 7 ploughs. There are 50 acres of mea- dow. T.R.E. it was worth 10 pounds, and afterwards 40 shillings ; now 8 pounds. The same count holds in WARMINTONE [Warmington] a 13 hides. Azor held it and was a free man. There is land for 14 ploughs. In the demesne are 4, and 12 serfs; and (there are) 36 villeins and 8 bordars with 14 ploughs. There are 69 acres of meadow. T.R.E. it was worth 10 pounds; now the same. The same count holds in ERBURBERIE [Harbury] 7 4$ hides. Lewin and Alric held it and could sell it, but could not with- draw themselves (discedere) with their land. There is land for 10 ploughs. In the de- mesne is i plough with I serf ; and (there divisions are connected with the two entries in Domesday Book. Woodcote, appearing afterwards in the Leet of Stoneleigh, was doubtless in the Domesday Hundred of ' Stanlei.' 4 This was doubtless the wood of Rinsell men- tioned by Dugdale (p. 309) in conjunction with ' Wegcnoke ' (Wedgnock), the latter place being found afterwards in Knightlow Hundred and lying near to Leek Wootton; and Woodcote was prob- ably like them in ' Stanlei ' Hundred ; and so, presumably, was ' Rincele.' 6 This identification is proved by Testa de Nevill, p. 98, which shows that the Earl of Warwick's fee was in ' Avendercet.' J.H.R. 6 In Kineton Hundred. 7 This appears afterward in Stoneleigh Leet and was doubtless in the Domesday Hundred of 'Stanlei.' Including the previous mention of it as ' Edbur- berie ' it occurs five times in Domesday Book, the hidations being : I hide I virgate, 4 hides 2 virgates, 4 hides, 2 hides, 3 virgates; total, 12^ hides. It still appears in modern directories as 'alias Herberbury." (On Speed's map of Warwickshire dated 1610, and on the maps of Saxton, Morden and Blome, this place appears as Harberbury. B.W.) 310