THE HOLDERS OF LANDS ploughs. In Warwic(k) (there is) I house worth (de) 8 pence. It was and is worth 100 shillings. Baldeuin held it. From H(ugh), Hugh son of Constantius holds I virgate of land in LOCHESLEI [Lox- ley]. 1 There is land for half a plough. There is I villein. It was and is worth 5 shillings. Manegot held it freely. IN COLESHELLE [COLESHILL] HUNDRET From H(ugh), Walter holds half a hide in WITACRE [Whitacre]. 2 There is land for half a plough. There is i villein ploughing with 2 oxen. 3 It was and is worth 2 shillings. Baldeuin held it. XIX. THE LAND OF HENRY DE FERIER[ES] IN COLESHELLE [COLESHILL] HUNDRET Henry de Fereires holds 5^ hides in GREN- DONE [Grendon], and Turstin from him. There is land for 16 ploughs. There are 24 villeins and 1 6 bordars with 8 ploughs. There is a mill worth (de) 5 shillings, and 36 acres of meadow ; wood(land) i J leagues long, and i league broad. It was and is worth 40 shillings. Siward Barn * held it. IN BOMELAU HUNDRET From H(enry), Ralf holds 4 hides in BOR- TONE [Burton Hastings]. 5 There is land for 8 ploughs. In the demesne are 2 ; and 13 villeins with a priest and 7 bordars have 6 ploughs. There are 2 mills worth (tie) 7 shil- lings and 8 pence. It was worth 4 pounds ; now 40 shillings. Siward 4 held it. IN STANLEI [STONELEIGH] HUNDRET From H(enry), Wazelin holds 2 hides in ERBURBERIE [Harbury]. 6 There is land for 5 ploughs. In the demesne are 2, and 2 serfs; and (there are) 4 villeins with i plough. It was worth 40 shillings ; now 4 pounds. Siward * held it. 1 Loxley, as mentioned in a previous note, was probably in ' Patelau ' Hundred. 8 Probably, as mentioned in a previous note, Over Whitacre. 3 i.e. a quarter of a plough-team.
- See Introduction, p. 282.
5 Burton Hastings 'is in the northern corner of Knightlow Hundred, where other places belonging to ' Bomelau ' Hundred are found. It appears in subsequent history as held under the family of Ferrers. 8 See the former note (p. 310, note 7). IN TREMELAU HUNDRET From H(enry), Saswalo 7 holds 17 hides in ETENDONE [Eatington]. There is land for 12 ploughs. In the demesne are 4 ploughs and 10 serfs ; and 32 villeins with a priest and 25 bordars and I knight (mi/ite) and 2 thegns (taints) have i6j ploughs. There is a mill worth (de) 1 8 shillings, and 30 acres of meadow. It was worth 6 pounds, and afterwards 4 pounds ; now 20 pounds. From H(enry), Wazelin holds half a hide in CESTEDONE [Chesterton]. 8 There is land for ij ploughs. There is i plough with i ox- man (bovarius) and i acre of meadow. It was and is worth 10 shillings. From H(enry), Nigel 9 holds 2$ hides in ALDULVESTREU [Austrey]. 10 There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is I ; and 7 villeins and 3 bordars have 2 ploughs. It was and is worth 20 shillings. XX. THE LAND OF ROGER DE IVERI IN STANLEI [STONELEIGH] HUNDRET Roger de Ivri holds of the king, as it is said (ut dicitur)^ 5 hides 12 in CUBINTONE [Cubbington]. There is land for 4 ploughs. In the demesne are 2, and 3 serfs ; and (there are) 2 villeins and 2 bordars with I plough. There are 1 5 acres of meadow. It was and is worth 40 shillings. Turbern held it freely T.R.E. This is of the fee of the Bishop of Bayeux. 13 XXI. THE LAND OF ROBERT DE OILGI 14 IN COLESHELLE [COLESHILL] HUNDRET Robert de Oilgi holds 2 hides in MERSTONE 7 See Introduction, p. 282. 8 Chesterton doubtless ; for that place is a sub- sequent entry rubricated as in ' Tremelau ' Hun- dred. For this reason therefore ' Cestedone ' fol- lows ' Etendone.' 9 See Introduction, p. 280. 10 This was doubtless in ' Coleshelle ' Hundred, being afterward in the Hundred of Hemlingford. 11 These two words are an interlineation. 12 These 5 hides, together with the 2 and 3 hides already recorded, make Cubbington a lo-hide place. 13 See Introduction, p. 279. In the Bucks Domesday (p. 144) Robert (de) Olgi and Roger (de) Ivri hold ' Stou ' of the Bishop of Bayeux. 14 This entry stands at the foot of a page, and is separated by a considerable gap from the previous one. Probably this was done for the sake of be- ginning the important fief of Robert de Statford at the top of a new page. 327