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Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/394

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE From W(illiam), Turchil holds I J hides in ECLESHELLE [Exhall]. 1 There is land for I plough. There are 2 bordars and 10 acres of meadow. It was worth 10 shillings ; now 5 shillings. Suain held it freely T.R.E. From W(illiam), Leuric and Eileua hold 3 hides and i virgate of land in GRASTON [(? Arden's) Grafton].' There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is one, and 2 serfs ; and (there are) i villein and 3 bordars with i plough. There are 4 acres of meadow. It was worth 40 shillings ; now 30 shillings. The same persons (Idem ipsf) held it freely. From W(illiam), William holds 2 hides in BENINTON [Binton]. 3 There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is one, with i serf and 5 bordars. There are 3 acres of meadow. On the part of the mill (there are received) 4 loads (summas) of flour and 8 ' sticks ' of eels ; and from Wich [Droitwich] 3 loads (summas) of salt. It was worth 20 shillings ; now 30 shillings. Edric held it freely T.R.E. IN TREMELAU HUNDRET William himself (Ifse Willelmuf) holds I hide in HEREFORD [Barford] 4 of the king. There is land for 2 ploughs. There are 2 serfs and 9 acres of meadow. It was worth 2O shillings ; now 5 shillings. Saulf held it T.R.E. IN FERNECUMBE HUNDRET The same W(illiam) holds 4 hides in STOD- LEI [Studley]. There is land for 1 1 ploughs. In the demesne are 2, and 3 serfs ; and 19 1 Near Alcester. This identification is clear owing to the connection of the Corbisons with the place. It is afterward found in Barlichway Hundred but not in Pathlow Liberty, and was doubtless in the Domesday Hundred of 'Ferne- cumbe.' J This was probably the portion of Grafton known as 'Arden's,' being the smaller of the two. It is between Exhall and Binton, and for the same reasons as Exhall was doubtless in ' Fernecumbe ' Hundred. The connection of the Corbisons with it in after times is well ascertained (Dugdale, p. 540- 3 This identification is no doubt correct. Bin- ton, in the same way as Exhall and Grafton, was doubtless in ' Fernecumbe ' Hundred. For Domes- day purposes we may, I think, ignore the place in Salford now called Bevington, but in the first two Subsidy Rolls ' Benynton.' 4 Barford appears afterward in Kineton Hun- dred, in which ' Tremelau ' Hundred was merged. 8 Studley, as we should expect, appears after- wards in Barlichway Hundred, but not in Pathlow Liberty. villeins with a priest and 12 bordars have 9 ploughs. There is a mill worth (de) 5 shillings, and 24 acres of meadow. A salt pan renders 19 loads (summas) of salt. 6 Wood(land) i league long and half a league broad. It was and is worth 100 shillings. Suain held it freely. The same W(illiam) holds 2^ hides and two thirds of I virgate in ULWARDITONE [Wolverton]. 7 There is land for 5 ploughs. In the demesne is I, and 4 serfs; and (there are) 10 villeins and 7 bordars with 5 ploughs. There are 2O acres of meadow. Wood(land) i furlong long and half (a furlong) broad. In Warwic(k) i house paying 8 pence. It was worth 30 shillings ; now 60 shillings. Ernuin held it freely T.R.E. 8 The same W(illiam) holds 4 hides in BURLEI [Bearley]. 9 There is land for 4 ploughs. In the demesne is I, and 2 serfs ; and (there are) 9 villeins and 6 bordars with 5 ploughs. There are 4 acres of meadow. In Warwic(k) I house paying 8 pence. It was worth 60 shillings ; now 40 shillings. Erneuin and his mother held it freely. IN COLVESTAN HUNDRET lo The same W(illiam) holds CILLENTONE 6 See Introduction, p. 293. 7 Comparing this with the entry of ' Ulwardi- tone' among Robert de Stafford's estates (see p. 3 30) we find that it was a 4-hide vill, of which Urfer, Robert's tenant, held one third, namely i hide and I virgate and one third of a virgate, while William son of Corbucion holds two thirds, namely 2 hides and 2 virgates and two thirds of a virgate. As stated before, Wolverton was evidently in ' Ferne- cumbe' Hundred, so that the rubrication of Studley applies to this entry of Wolverton which follows next. 8 On the outside margin opposite this entry is written v.v' ; and similarly, opposite the paragraph relating to Stodlei is written 1 1 & d'. The former might be short for quinque virgatit and the latter for duo et dimidium. I cannot see that these signs bear any reference to any entries on the page, and I understand it has been suggested that the scribe was merely trying his pen. 8 As before stated, this was doubtless in 'Ferne- cumbe ' Hundred. The 4 hides here given, to- gether with the I hide entered under the fee of Stafford, make ' Burlei ' a 5-hide place. 10 This is the Staffordshire Hundred now called ' Cuttlestone.' It will be remembered that William fitz Anscult's Staffordshire manor of Essington, which is recorded in this county, is also in Cuttlestone Hundred. In the case of Essing- ton however there is a duplicate entry in the Staffordshire Domesday, whereas Chillington is re- corded in Warwickshire only. 334