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Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/402

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE The same R(ichard) holds half a hide in SOCHEBERGE [Nether Shuckburgh]. 1 There is land for i plough and it is there with 5 villeins. It was worth 10 shillings; now 2O shillings. Edric held it freely. The same R(ichard) holds i hide in MOR- TONE [Hillmorton].* There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is half a plough ; and (there are) 3 villeins and 3 bordars with i plough. There are 10 acres of meadow. It was and is worth 20 shillings. Wiching held it freely. IN HONESBERIE HuNDRET From the same Richard, fritf) holds i hide at farm way]. 3 There is land for demesne are 2, with I serf villein and 3 bordars with are 3 acres of meadow, shillings; now 25. Earl held it T.R.E.* Ermenfrith (Erm J - in RADWEIA [Rad- 3 ploughs. In the

and (there are) i

i plough. There It was worth 20 Ralf (Coma R.) IN STANLEI [STONELEIGH] HUNDRET Richard the Huntsman 6 (R. Senator) holds of the king i hide in SOWA [Sowe]. There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is i ; and (there are) 2 villeins and 2 bordars with 1 Assuming that Dugdale's account of this place and his reference to the Testa de Nevill are correct, this must be Nether Shuckburgh which however was always afterwards in Kineton Hundred ; where- as, seeing the apparently careful rubrication of Richard Forester's estates, this would seem to be in Marton Hundred. (The Testa de Nevill does not specify in which of the Shuckburghs Richard's holding lay. But Dugdale's account seems to be right. J.H.R.] 1 I think so ; but the subsequent history affords no clue ; and see the former notes on the Mor- tons held by the Count of Meulan and Hugh de Grentmesnil, as to the difficulty of distinguishing between Marton and Morton. All the five entries make up in hidage a little more than 5 hides, so that if they relate to one place, that would, I sup- pose, be Hillmorton, which is about three times as large as Marton. ' It is on the strength of this rubrication that Radway has been assigned to < Honesbcrie ' Hundred in the notes on the former entries relating to it. The hide here recorded brings the hidage up to the unusual number of 6 hides. Dugdale (p. 420) shows that Earl RalPs descendants, the de Sudeleys, and Richard Forester's descendants, the de Loges family, both had interests in this place. Dugdale is no doubt right in stating that this is merely Richard the Forester under a different name. He was also known as Chenuin, and Chenen or Cheven. See Eyton's Domesday Studies, Staffordshire, pp. 53, 55-6. half a plough. There are 3 acres of meadow. The wood(Iand) there, between himself and the king and the abbot," is (habet) 3 leagues long and i league broad. It was worth 20 shillings ; now 60 shillings. Colebran held it freely T.R.E. IN TREMEJLAU HUNDRET Richard the Huntsman (R. Venator) holds 3 hides in CESTRETONE [Chesterton]. There is land for 6 ploughs. In the demesne are 3 ploughs ; and (there are) 6 villeins and 4 bor- dars with 3 ploughs. There are 30 acres of meadow. It was worth 40 shillings ; now 100 shillings. Four thegns held it freely. 7 IN BERRICESTUNE [BARCHESTON] HUNDRET Alvric holds of the king i hide and half a virgate of land in BERRICESTUNE 8 [Barches- ton]. There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is i, and 4 villeins have 2 ploughs. There are 10 acres of meadow. It was worth 20 shillings ; now 40 shillings. Wichig' held it freely. IN COLESHELLE [CoLESHIU.] HuNDRET Alsi holds of the king half a hide 9 in FELINGELEI 8 [Fillongley]. There is land for i plough, and it is in the demesne with i serf; and 7 villeins with r bordar have i plough. Wood(land) worth 10 shillings when it bears (oner at'}. It (the estate) is worth 30 shillings. The same man (Idem ipse) held it himself. IN MERETON [MARTON] HUNDRET Lewin holds of the king i$ hides in FLECHENHO [Flecknoe]. There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is i, and 3 serfs ; and 3 villeins with i bordar have I plough. It was worth 10 shillings ; now 30 shillings. This (hie) Lewin bought (it) from Alwin his brother. 6 i.e. of Coventry. See the entry under the estates of the Church of Coventry. ' Between this entry and the next following, there is something of a gap, showing that the list of Richard the Forester's estates ends here. The holdings which follow are those of English thegns. 8 'Berricestune' and 'Felingelei' are both inter- lineated. I take this as a sign that to this particu- lar clerk who made these returns it seemed of more importance to know on what hundred the assess- ment lay, than on what township. 9 Fillongley appears under four estates, each of half a hide. 342