who are dear to us, and whom we now keep, would whiten thick the hillsides of our cemeteries, and stand in mute appeal against the inhumanity of its miserable practice. This insufferable movement, in its manifestation as a healing art or profession, is a menace to the community; it is a menace, reader, to you and to me, and to all who are dear to us; and the same law which maintains quarantine and municipal health precautions and cleanliness, because, without these, human life is sacrificed, should put down with ruthless hand the practice of this pseudo "Science" which, under a religious guise, has already committed so many shocking murders.
We can, perhaps, pass over the fact that a man is acting the part of a delusionist, if his delusion concerns no one but himself. But it becomes a more serious matter, when his aberration of mind affects the lives and happiness of others in the community, and when he is bent on hypnotizing his fellow-men to follow in his footsteps. We can, therefore, afford merely to pity the individual Christian Scientist who fondly believes he can banish all his own ailments by "silent treatment" without the aid of a physician. But when suchanone fanatically attempts