Page:Van Rensselaer Bowier manuscripts - ed. van Laer - 1908.pdf/164

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Notification by Samuel Godyn, Kiliaen van Rensselaer and Samuel Blommaert that they send two persons to New Netherland to inspect the country[1]

January 13, 1629

Extract from the register of resolutions of the West India Company, Chamber of Amsterdam.

The 13th of January 1629

President Samuel Godyn President Godyn and Mr Rensselaer notify the Chamber that their honors together with Mr Blommaert by the ships now going to New Netherland send two persons, one named Gillis Houset, sailor, the other Jacob Jansz Cuyper, with the intention, in case they make favorable report to their honors, of planting a colony there in accordance with the conditions[2] drawn up by the Assembly of the XIX.

Registration by Michiel Pauw of a colony on the river Sickenames[3]

June 7, 1629

Extract from the register of resolutions of the West India Company, Chamber of Amsterdam

The 7th of June 1629

President Jacques de La Mine

Confrater Michiel Pauw notifies this Chamber that his honor declares himself as patroon of a colony which he agrees to plant, on the conditions ratified today in the Assembly of the XIX, in New Netherland, on the river of
  1. V. R. B. Mss, Letter Book, f. 9b. Other copy in V. R. B. Mss 33, entitled: Lijste vande Colonien Ter Camere van amsterdam aengegeven, ende jnde Vergaderinghe vande xixen: in Zeelandt den 21: decemb 1630: geextraheert (List of the colonies registered with the Chamber of Amsterdam, abstracted for the Assembly of the XIX, in Zealand, Dec. 21, 1630); and endorsed: Pretensien vande Participanten inde Colonie Rensselaerwijck (Claims of the participants in the colony of Rensselaerswyck).

    In the Letter Book occur two series of extracts from the register of resolutions of the West India Company, Chamber of Amsterdam; the first of these is found on f. 9b–10 and includes entries for Jan. 13, June 7, June 19, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Nov. 1, Nov. 16, Nov. 19, 1629, and April 17, 1629; the second series is found on f. 38b–40b and includes entries for Nov. 7, 1630, May 16, May 19 and July 7, 1631. Similarly V. R. B. Mss 33 is composed of extracts from this register of resolutions for Jan. 13, June 2, June 19, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Nov. 16, Nov. 19, 1629, Jan. 10, April 17 and Nov. 7, 1630; and V. R, B. Mss 34 is composed of extracts for June 19, Nov, 1, Nov. 16 and Nov. 19, 1630. For Nov. 19, 1629, V. R. B. Mss 35 gives an additional copy. The entry for each of these dates has been printed but once and that under its own date.

  2. Draft of the charter of Freedoms and Exemptions, March 628.
  3. V. R. B. Mss, Letter Book, f. 9b. Other copy in V. R. B. Mss 33.