Page:Van Rensselaer Bowier manuscripts - ed. van Laer - 1908.pdf/168

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by the Assembly of the XIX. Underneath was written: Agrees with the aforesaid register; and was signed: In the absence of the advocate, Johannes Dijckman.

After collation this is found to agree with the authentic extract, which I, notary public residing at Amsterdam certify and in witness whereof I have hereto affixed my signature, this 19th of April 1649.

[signed] J: vande Ven

nots Pub.
Ao: xix./4. 1649.

Registration by Michiel Pauw of the colony of Pavonia, on both sides of the North River, from the Narrows north[1]

January 10, 1630

Extract from the register of resolutions of the West India Company, Chamber of Amsterdam

The 10th of January 1630

M Pauw declares himself as patroon of the colony which, in conformity with the Exemptions and Freedoms ratified by the Assembly of the XIX, he agrees to plant at the first opportunity, beginning on the west side with Machack machoons land which is included, thence southward to the hamels hooffden,[2] and on the east side from the Hamels hooffden northward as far as the Freedoms allow, including the islands situated within these limits, everything in New Nether-land, on both sides of the North River.

Instructions to Bastiaen Jansz Krol[3]

January 12, 1630


Laus deo, the 12th of January 1630, in Amsterdam

Instructions from Kiliaen van Rensselaer for Bastiaen Ianssen Crol, commis at Fort Orange, who if he sees fit may call to his assistance Dirck Cornelissz, his onder-commis, and such other persons as he shall think best and advisable.

  1. In V. R. B. Mss 33.
  2. The Narrows.
  3. V. R. B. Mss, Letter Book, f. 35b. Extract in V. R. B. Mss 36.