Page:Vance--The trey o hearts.djvu/135

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In the end, however, they made it by the narrowest margin. The features of Judith Trine, watching them from the schooner's side, were distinctly revealed in the chill gray light of the early dawn as they aimed for the first fair landing on the main waterfront of the city.

Long since Alan had wakened Rose and brought her on deck. With matchless seamanship, Barcus laid the smaller boat smoothly alongside the wharf. By the time they had climbed to the street level the schooner was scraping the piles at the end of the dock.

Alan swept the neighbouring street with a hungry glance. There was neither policeman, nor watchman, nor motor-car in sight. If they ran for it, they must surely be overtaken. Something must be done to hinder the crew of the schooner from landing.

"Here!" he cried sharply to Barcus. "You take Rose, hurry to the street, and find that motor-car. I know she's there; Digby never failed me yet!"

"But you——?"

"Don't waste time. I'll be with you in three shakes. I've got a scheme!"

Urged frantically, the reluctant pair made off at a round pace. Then bare-handed and alone, he turned back to oppose his strength and courage and wits against a dozen.