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shelter; abont Michaelnas they get to such places for security the whole winter, except you prevent it by destroying them in December, which is the easiest, best, and surest way to destroy them.


Treacle and water put into an earthen dish pretty thick with treacle or honey, they will light in it and stick till dead. Or, dregs of sugar and water mixed, they will come to it and be drowned.

that flies may not trouble cattle.

Boil bay berries in oil, and anoint them with it, and they will never sit on cattle; or, wet the hair of horses with the juice of the leaves of gourds at Midsummer, and they will not molest them. If cattle are anointed with the juice of arsmart, flies will not come near them, though it is the heat of summer.

to drive out flies, spiders, scorpions, &c.

Burn a hoop's feathers in the room, and make a smoke, then these insects that smell the smell will be gone, and come no more.


1st. Take beaten pepper, lay it among your clothes, airing them well first, and it will prevent them.

2d. Pieces of Russia leather put in boxes, prevents moths and all other vermin.

to destroy moths.

About August they appear, and that mostly in the night, and if you set a candle in an apple tree lighted in the night, they will fly about it and burn themselves, and you will find abundance of them dead in the morning.