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anoint your hands, and they will come to it. Or oil of camomile put to your bait does it.

3d. Get a quarter of an ounce of oriental berries, cummin seed, and aqua vitæ, each a sixth part of an ounce, cheese an ounce, wheat meal three ounces; make little pellets and throw where the fish are.


Stuff prepared after different ways: the common method is to peel a good quantity of holly bark about Midsummer, fill a vessel with it, put spring water to it; boil it till the grey and white bark arise from the green, which will require twelve hours boiling; then take it off the fire, drain the water well from it, separate the barks, lay the green bark on the ground in some cool cellar, covered with any green rank weeds, such as dock thistles, hemlock, &c. to a good thickness; let it lie so fourteen days, by which time it will be a perfect mucilage; then pound it well in a stone mortar till it becomes a tough paste, and that none of the bark be discernible; next after wash it well in some running stream, as long as you perceive the least motes in it; then put it into an earthen pot to ferment, scum it four or five days, as often as any thing rises, and when no more comes, change it into a fresh earthen vessel, and preserve it for use in this manner. Take what quantity you think fit, put it in an earthen pipkin, and a third part of capons or goose grease to it, well clarified, or oil of walnuts, which is better, incorporate them on a gentle fire, and stir it continually till it is cold, and thus it is finished.

To prevent frost; take a quarter of as much oil of Petroleum as you do goose grease, and no cold will congeal it.

how to use bird lime.

When your lime is cold, take your rods and warm them a little over the fire; then take your lime and wind it about the top of your rods, then draw your rods