Page:Vermin killer (1).pdf/24

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sticks of osier across at the end of the thread, then lime your twigs with bird lime, and lay them by the river on some rush, water leaf grass, or the like: then when she sees it, eatches it up, and the lime twigs take her wings, and she drops presently.

to take partridge.

Get sweet wine, and with wheat flour, make a paste, lay it in pellets where they come, and they will be soon foxed, so you may take them with your hand. But if you put a little occulous indiæ to it powdered, it is the better.

to take wild ducks, geese, herons, sea gulls, &c.

Drive a stake into the ground two or three feet long, just by the water-side, then take a strong horse-hair with a large look fastened to it, and bait it with fish, or frog, or guts, &c. and let your lines lie in the river and they will swallow it, and so hang that you may take them. Some lay in the same manner snares made of horse-hair, and often catch them by the feet as they wim about.

birds that are lousy.

Anoint them with linseed oil cures them.