‘No!’ she said, ‘thy Love was worthless, he has gone and set thee free.
On Life's path two flowers are blooming, one grows gaudy, bright, and tall,
But the other fair and lowly—oft a heedless foot will fall
Crushing down each snowy petal that had sprung from Heaven's seed:
Thou hast passed the purer blossom by to pluck the flaunting weed.
Thou hast sought for sun and sunshine, where to seek thou didst not know,
For thou'st caught the vague reflection here upon the earth below.
If the true sun thou art seeking, thou must turn thine eyes above—
Thou hast feared Death as he followed—he would give thee Life and Love.
Mourn not Love that proved so worthless, there's a purer Love on high—
Mourn not Joy, for Joy is living, yea, a Joy that cannot die.
Mourn not Youth, for Death would lead thee on where years can never be—
As a grain of sand thy life is on that shore—Eternity.
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The Path of Life.