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ſet conſcience at a diſtance;
Paſſive obediance was a joke,
and piſh for non-reſidance.
And this is law, &c.

When gracious Anne aſcends the throne,
the church of England's glory,
Another face of things was ſeen,
and I became a Tory:
Occaſional conformity baſe,
I d—n’d their moderation
And thought the Church in danger was,
by ſuch preverication.
And this is law &c.

When George, in pudding time, came o’er,
and moderate men look’d big, Sir,
I turned cat in pan once more,
and then became a Whig, Sir,
And ſo preferment I procur’d,
from our new faith's defender;
And almost every day abjur’d
the Pope and the Pretender.
And this is law, &c.

The illuſtrious Houſe of Hanover,
and Prodeſtant ſuceeſſion;
To those I do allegiance ſwear,
while they can keep poſſeſſion.
For, by my faith and loyalty,
I never more will faulter,
And George my lawful king ſhall be,
untill the times ſhall alter.
And this is law, &c.