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The HISTORY of, &c,

at Church or about his master's business, never was know to tell a lie, nor ever staid when he was sent on an errand. These rare qualifications had gained him the affections ot his master and mistress, and made him a favourite in the family before Francls came to them. It was in a great measure owing to master Tommy's character in the neighbourhood, that master Froward was induced to comply with the Master's demands, not doubting but his son, in such a happy situation, and with a companion of so sweet a disposition, would one day turn out to his satisfaction, and be a a comfort to him in his old age.

Francis, in the first year of his apprenticeship, began co discover the natural bent of his inclination. He chose to asscociate himself with naughty boys in the stree s, and seemed to place his whole delight in loose and idle deversions; he neglected the business or the shop. when at home, and intirely forgot it when he was abroad These, and many more indiscreations of the like nature, TommyThoroughgood