Page:Vice punished, and virtue rewarded (1).pdf/6

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but continued to riot in all the follis and and degeneracies of human nature, till his apprenticship was expired. So true it is, "That the wicked hateth reproof, but the wife man lendeth his ear to instruction,

Mr. Francis having been for a long while impatient of a servile life was now become his own Master, and seemed eager of puting himself upon a level with his late companion. To effect this, he goes down to his father, and prevails upon him to set him up in business, that hes sight trade for himself. The reins were no sooner laid on his neck, than he gave a loose to his sensual appetites, and in little more than four years, had a statute of bankruptcy taken out against him. The unexpected news of this fatal event, instantly broke his mother's heart, nor did the old gentleman survive her long. Hereupon our heir was obliged to sell the personal and mortgage the real estate, to procure his liberty, and to satisfy the assignees. In this sinking situation after the days of mourning