Page:Victor Hugo's Works (Guernsey Edition) v14.djvu/52

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BRIGITTA (getting the lamp).

I'll light you out, and lock the door behind you,
"Safe bind, safe find."


Good-night, sweet piece of woman,
I leave my heart in pledge. [Aside.] Now for the Duke.

[Brigitta holds open the door and lights him down, then locks it.


He 's gone, bless his sweet face! To think what risks
Men will run that are lovers, and indeed
Weak women, too! Lord! if my master knew.
[Getting on her mantle.
'T is lucky San Costanza is hard by,
I should be fearful else. Faenza's full
Of gallants, and who knows what might befall
A poor young woman like myself, with naught
Except her innocence to be her safeguard! [Exit, R. 2 E.

[As soon as she has closed the door, the secret door, C., opens and Torelli re-appears.


This way, my lord; the dragon has departed.

[Enter Manfredi from the secret door, L. 2 E.


'T is time, I was weary of my watch.


You were alone, at least. Think of my lot,
That had to make love to a tough old spinster.
T would we had changed parts. Why, good my lord,
I had to kiss her. Faugh! When shall I get