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Tune---Cameron's got his life again.

Donald Caird's come again,
Donald Caird's come again,
Tell lie news by elachan glen,
Donald Caird's come again.

Donald now our Kirk doth grace,
Wi' his elritch hieland face,
And oxters up the Book in state,
O' whilk he kens the de'il hate.

Whiles he's gloomin', while he's cival,
Whiles he's like a raging deevil;
But to mak bim guid, just tryste a lair!
Ay! that's the nick for Donald Caird.

Donald Caird can ring the bell,
Maist as weel's the Earl himsel';
But yet he canna jnst gart jow,
To Nicol's notes of "Lint and Tow."

But still the body's fond to bring,
Notes ont o' the auld cracket thing,
And stead o' its auld ancient air,
He's learning't to say Donald Caird.